Thursday, October 23, 2014

The Medium cum a Message cum the Medium

It came to my attention not long ago that Marshall McLuhan thought of my writing style as being the most expressive of the theory he was espousing, mainly that the “Medium is the Message.” He would have liked to communicate with me and invite me to do some work with him, except that the Jews decreed this could not be done because my success will mean bad news for the Jewish causes. I must be kept out of the limelight, they said, and so I was till the advent of the internet which changed all that.

I believe this gives me the right to take the McLuhan theory a step further and say that the medium can become the message then become the medium again. To do this, I must first explain how I understand: “The Medium is the Message.” To help me remember the essence of the theory, I boiled it down to the following: There are many ways to convey a message, each way being a medium. There is the spoken way, the written way, the radio medium, the television medium, the film, the theater, the music, the dance … and so on. Delivering a message using anyone of those mediums, shapes the message so differently from its original intent – and doing it in each of the medium's ways – it can be said that the medium has become the message.

Now, given the rash of copycat mass killings in schools and other public places in America, and given the ongoing propaganda war between the Islamic State and the Jewish State … which, after all, has near total monopoly on the English mediums worldwide – I began to wonder if McLuhan's theory did not need to be updated. I saw the individual committing the crime as being a medium onto himself, delivering a message to be copycatted, not using words to express his thoughts, but by committing the heinous act itself. To say the same thing in the language of the proverbial: such acts speak for themselves.

Another layer was added to that view when acts were committed by what were said to be new converts to Islam. I wondered if these people became monsters because they converted to Islam, or they were monsters to begin with, and looked for a way to express their monstrosity in a spectacular way. They may have thought that going on a shooting spree would give them the notoriety they crave, but they will be forgotten in a day or two. If, however, they were to commit an act considered to be terror, they will gain a worldwide notoriety. They may even be considered martyrs by people half way around the globe, and their story will have a longer shelf-life than that of a lone gunman who begs the police to shoot him. They chose to be martyred.

After that came one more layer to be added to the theory that was growing in my head. It appeared as if it had come out of nowhere when every broadcaster I watched stressed the point that the perpetrator was a convert to Islam. Whether or not they knew what they were doing, these broadcasters had created something new. They were telling everyone who may be unhappy with his lot in life that he need not die an inglorious death and be forgotten. He can be a part of something big by converting to Islam and carrying out any act he can pull off, knowing that it will take on a worldwide dimension for being considered an act of terror by virtue of it being linked to Islam.

So now, we have a feedback loop whereby the medium becomes the message that becomes the medium again, and so on indefinitely. Thanks to those broadcasters, the idea is out there telling anyone that wants to know, he can get back at his municipality, town, city, state, province or country by doing something unforgettable, and be rewarded for it. This way, what was the responsibility of those places now becomes the responsibility of Islam. For example, a murder committed by a bitter New Yorker who converted to Islam reflects badly not on New York that embittered him but on Islam that took him in. A Quebecker that commits murder after converting to Islam reflects badly on Islam and not on Quebec that may have treated him badly.