Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Dragging a Spanish Pinocchio by the Nose

This one is the real liar whose pants were consumed by the fire together with his political shirt when he lied to his own people on a matter that's as serious as the terrorist attack which took the lives of dozens of their fellow citizens. He is Jose Maria Aznar, former president of Spain, now a pitiful mouthpiece for the Jewish propaganda machine, and a willing carrier for Netanyahu’s water as well as his suitcase.

He wrote: “Failed to Cut a Deal With Iran? Better Than Making a Bad One,” an article that also came under the astounding subtitle: “Tehran has been cheating for years. Do we think the regime will suddenly embrace nuclear transparency?” It was published on November 26, 2014 in the Wall Street Journal. Anyone that knows who this man is must be jumping to their feet yelling: Look who's talking about transparency!

In fact, he was president of Spain in the middle of an election campaign in which he ran to be re-elected. He was doing badly in the polls due to his association with the W. president of America and the IQ challenged Israeli refusenick of the old Soviet Union – when al-Qaeda hit Spain for its involvement in Afghanistan. Sending troops to fight in that country was Aznar's idea, a decision he took despite the opposition of his people.

And so, when al-Qaeda hit Spain and he knew who it was, he lied to his people, telling them that a local terrorist group did it. He lied because he knew that to tell the truth would have assured him a complete rout come election day. Well, that day came and he lost anyway. Eventually the truth came out to the effect that al-Qaeda did it as it promised it would if Aznar did not pull his troops out of Afghanistan.

So then, this is the man who now speaks in the name of the Jewish propaganda machine, and for Netanyahu of Israel, trying to convince the world – especially the congressional two-timers of America – that the Iranians are cheats who will never embrace transparency. And for this reason, he is advising the Americans to heed Netanyahu, and to realize that “this is not the time to make more concessions, but the time to put more pressure on the ayatollahs.”

He is not saying it out loud, but what is making him unhappy is what is known to make Israel's Netanyahu unhappy. True or false, they both firmly believe that Iran is “a revolutionary power intent on transforming the world order.” And the proof of this is that Iran “is now present and influential in Lebanon, Syria, Yemen and Iraq.” Of course, far from being an Iranian dream, the will to transform the world is something that the Jews repeatedly said was their goal, as they have vowed they will not rest till they transform the world into a place that will be safe for Jews to live in.

And to them who claim to be the authentic descendants of the ancient Hebrew tribes despite the mountain of evidence to the contrary – it is now as it has always been, mainly that there is a place at the top for only one. If it is going to be the Iranians, it will not be the Jews. This prospect being something that is killing them, they want the Americans to start killing the Iranians right now, and without delay.

But that would be a difficult thing to sell to the Americans. What to do to fool them and get them to tackle the Iranians in the belief that they are doing it for a good cause? The Jews have a surefire idea. They will get a Spaniard to tell the Americans that a rapprochement with Iran will empower the Iranian Revolutionary Guard which, in turn, will keep the Iranian people under an oppressive regime. Brilliant! Raise their IQ a notch.

And this is how and why they got Aznar to say this much to the Americans, then add the following: “That is not a moral proposition easy to swallow for any democrat.” Wow! What gall! This is like a convicted rapist speculating out loud that neighbor “A” may someday be tempted to rape neighbor “B,” which to him, will not be a moral proposition easy to swallow. And speculating like they always do, is what he did in the name of the Jews ... which is why we must lower their IQ a notch.

The moral of this story is that having found someone endowed with the moral fiber of a Chihuahua, all that the Jewish propaganda machine had to do to make full use of him was to drag him by the nose to where it wanted him to be. This gave him a Pinocchio nose which suited him well, as he learned to make a cottage industry out of lying for his Jewish masters.