Sunday, November 2, 2014

They love Evil and hate the Good

Matthew Continetti represents many who are like him, and what they all have in common is that they love evil and hate what is good. He shows this tendency with clarity in the article he wrote under the title: “The Coming Détente with Iran” and the subtitle: “Unable to make Iran pro-American, Obama will settle for trying to make America pro-Iranian.” It was published on November 1, 2014 in National Review Online.

Think about it, what would you do to show that something is bad which everyone says is inherently a good thing. The answer is that you would ascribe bad motives to the one striving to implement the good thing. This has been the trick that the Jews employed during half a century, and by which they took effective control of America, turning it into a Jewish plantation. “What counts is the intent,” they said whenever they locked horns with someone. And so, having monopolized the American media and shut everyone out, they ascribed bad motives to the Palestinians, the Arabs, the Muslims, the Russians, the Chinese, the Eastern Europeans, the Latinos, the Africans and the Western Europeans. They are doing it now to America's own President of the Republic.

Writing about the nuclear negotiations with Iran, Continetti says this: “...President Obama, who is looking to establish his legacy as his presidency enters its lame-duck phase.” You see how it works? Now the author does not have to discuss the clauses of a deal that has not been finalized because no matter how good it may turn out to be, it must be rejected because it violates the criterion he set for it as determined by Obama's unacceptable intent. And this, my friend, is no different from the Jewish trick of ascribing to the Palestinians the intent to commit terrorism; a trick that has allowed Israel to commit acts of genocide using American weapons and financing, then be rewarded with more weapons and financing to prepare for the next genocidal orgy.

Knowing how the negotiations with Iran are moving, a spokesman for the White House said: “this is the best opportunity we've had to resolve the Iranian issue diplomatically.” Later, the Secretary of State said: “I am going to express hope.” And so, Continetti who knows not how the negotiations are moving – but having made the point that intent was the criterion by which to judge things – brushes all that aside and responds like this: “And I am going to express fear.”

Yes, fear is the most potent weapon in the arsenal of demagogues. The Jews used it extensively to turn the American public against the individuals and groups they wished to destroy. Continetti is using it against his own President with the aim – actually the self-ascribed intent – of turning Obama into enemy number one in the eyes of the American public. Flabbergasting. Mind blowing. Unbelievably galling. So very Jewish.

He does not stop here. He uses another Jewish trick to tell what it is that he fears. The trick this time is similar to the Jews accusing someone of being antisemitic for saying Israeli lobby instead of Jewish lobby, and accusing him of being antisemitic for saying Jewish lobby instead of Israeli lobby. On his part, Continetti who used to ascribe bad motives to Obama for not recognizing that the so-called Bush surge in Iraq was a good thing, now accuses Obama of harboring motives that rouse fears for doing this: “Obama sees an Iran deal … as his version of the George W. Bush surge: a Hail Mary pass to salvage a legacy.” It is bad motives either way because the game is that of: Heads I win, tails you lose. So dishonest and so very Jewish.

Now, being the professional writer that he is, Matthew Continetti must gather the various elements of his thesis, and put them together in a coherent construct that will show the American public how evil their President has been. Look at the following and be shocked: “The desire for détente with Iran. For comity and diplomatic accord between longtime enemies, for a new Middle East in which security is left to regional stakeholders, and Shiites and Sunni alike see the United States as “evenhanded” in its treatment of Israelis and Palestinians.” All this goodness; so bloody shocking!

This man, Barack Obama must now be dressed like a woman, taken to the town square and stoned to death by all those who never committed a sin in this life or the previous one, and all those who committed every possible sin in this life, and plan to do the same in their future incarnations.

In the meantime, Continetti counts on what he calls the X factor to make evil desirable again, and make the good undesirable. He counts on the Supreme leader of Iran, Ayatollah Khamenei to thwart the upcoming deal, thus put an end to the idea of reconciling America and Iran. That lovely Ayatollah, Matthew can't wait to kiss his ass.