Friday, November 7, 2014

Egypt's Superwoman vs. US Congress of Sissies

You don't have to be Superman or Superwoman to understand what follows; all you need is the power of thinking. So, think of yourself sitting at a table in a restaurant. Beside you there is another table where two loud people are moving their jaws more to talk than to eat. You never saw them before, so you call them Character A and Character B. And it happens that you overhear the following conversation.

Character A: I know everyone that counts in this town, and I have a good relationship with them all.

Character B: You can be proud all you want, but I have better things to do with my time than fraternize with people who would be useless to me.

Character A: You wouldn't say that if you understood how I exploit them to serve my interests.

Character B: I run my business better without exploiting people, especially this kind of people.

Character A: Oh yeah? Well, let me tell you what I know about your application to build a warehouse close to your factory. I know all about it.

Character B: That was supposed to be a confidential application, and you've been spying on me.

Character A: Me spying? I am offended that you should say this about me. I require an apology. Now.

And so, my friend, you determine that Character A is a low IQ jerk and a loudmouthed braggart. Think of him as being the sort that writes the articles or that says the things which are reported on, and analyzed on this website. Now think of character B as being everyone else in the world, one of these people being an Egyptian woman named Fayza Abul Naga.

Naga was in charge of security matters in Egypt. After a short hiatus, she is back at her old post doing her old job. And David D. Kirkpatrick, who is the New York Times (NYT) reporter in Egypt, has written an article about the event under the title: “Egypt Elevates an Official Hostile to U.S.” It was published in the NYT on Nov. 6, 2014.

She does not have to be in America to know about the Jewish hold on America's culture and politics. She does not have to be in Israel to know about the Israelis who brag they run America like a Jewish plantation. She does not have to be a friend of Snowden to know that America spies on its people and gives the information to Israel. She does not have to be at CIA headquarters to know that America and Israel spy together … and together they sabotage modern installations in neighboring countries. She does not have to be old enough to remember how the Jews made America work to sabotage Egypt's effort to build the Aswan hydroelectric station. She only has to be an ordinary woman who can hear and see what goes on around her to know all that. But in the eyes of the low IQ and loudmouthed braggarts of the world, this makes her a superwoman. So be it.

And what superwoman, Fayza Abul Naga of Egypt has discovered is that the American congress is the toilet seat of Jewish power in America. It is towering higher than the ceremonial seat of power – the one that's sometimes referred to as the White House. The result is that Netanyahu of Israel can order things to be done in America while moving his bowels, and see them done faster and more efficiently than can the President of the Republic during the eight years of his presidency.

And so now that the congress of the American shit-house has fallen into the hands of the Jewish chickenshit, it was determined in Egypt that the best guarantee to keep the country from being overwhelmed by the stinking winds coming from America, is to have Superwoman Naga back at her post where she will stand on guard to wave away the stink that is produced by the sissy boys of what David Kirkpatrick has called “the three American groups chartered by Congress: the International Republican Institute, the National Democratic Institute and Freedom House.”

The bet around here is that the Superwoman will win this fight hands down.