Sunday, November 23, 2014

Morbid Jewish Dictates to Congress of Traitors

If there is a culture that is truly a culture of death, it can only be the Jewish culture. That's because it is the only parasitic construct that was put together in such a way as to live off other cultures; staying with them till they wilt, shrivel and die by the sucking force of its insatiable appetite.

Gathering together in the Land of Palestine, the Jews (who occupied by force of arms what used to be the peaceful Garden of Eden) set out to implement a comprehensive program to destabilize the region. This is an absolute necessity for them because a parasite feeds better on a surrounding that is weakened by an infestation of some kind … any kind. However, unable to do the work alone, they conned former colonial powers into joining them, promising that they who know the region well, will help the fallen powers recapture what they lost, thus regain their old glory.

To this end, they invited two former colonial powers to join them in the ill-fated adventure against Egypt which nevertheless signaled to the nations of the region and the world that the new parasite on the block means business – deadly business. Knowing that the best way to weaken a nation is to destroy the progress it makes in science and technology, the Jewish parasites began to sabotage all such installations by sending to them letterbombs; by paying saboteurs to do the work, by surprise-bombing civilian nuclear installations when no one expected such a cowardly act, and by cyber-hacking advanced installations with the help of the Americans.

And they got the Americans to (1) interfere with the financing of big infrastructure projects in countries that needed them; (2) bombing by cruise-missiles factories that made baby formula in countries that were struggling to get on their feet; and (3) convincing superpower America that the world will be facing an existential threat unless America invaded countries and toppled regimes that did not have weapons of mass destruction but the Jews insisted they had them.

All the while, the Jews worked diligently on infiltrating the strategic institutions of superpower America, especially its Congress. They slowly and deftly turned those institutions into instruments of control by which they managed to dominate all aspects of political, economic and military power in the nation. When done, they put all those powers at the disposal of the Jewish and Israeli leaders who use them like a private property in the work to implement their deadly agendas in the region and throughout the world.

For the plan to run smoothly and run without fail, the Jews had to secure the control of Congress as tightly as a despotic dictator would control his assembly of rubber-stamp puppets. To achieve this, they gathered information on individual legislators and their families – information they use when necessary to bribe or blackmail the legislators into toeing the Jewish/Israeli line slavishly, blindly and without questioning any part of it.

With all this under their belt, the Jews are now at a point where they can use the media – most of which is also under their control – to make their demands known. If they don't make them by whisper to members of the Congress, they make them in print and on the air in full view of a population that can no longer move a brain-dead Congress of traitors that is animated like zombies by a remote control that is firmly in the hands of the Jewish leaders in New York, and the foreign leaders in occupied Tel Aviv.

You can see the effect of all this in two articles published on November 21, 2014 in National Review Online. One was written by Jim Bridenstine under the title: “We Can't Trust the IAEA on Iran” and the subtitle: “Their capabilities are disturbingly limited – Congress has to keep this in mind.” The other article was written by Fred Fleitz under the title: “Are we Already Conceding the Bomb to Iran?” and the subtitle: “American policy must be to stop or slow, and not just contain, an Iranian nuclear weapon.”

Jim Bridenstine who is a member of the Congress begins with this: “It's imperative that the United States prevent Iran from getting … capability.” He repeats the discredited Jewish talking points, and then asks the question: “What should Congress do?” To answer, he relays the Tel Aviv dictates: “congressional committees should direct the director of national intelligence to promptly...” But why is this necessary? Because ignoring those dictates would “enable this president's preference and could prove fatal for Israel.” You see, it's all about Israel, only Israel and no one but Israel. Let America go bankrupt and send its children to die for the glory of Israel.

As to Fred Fleitz, he begins by relaying this fact: “anger is growing on Capitol Hill over the deal that the president is determined to implement [with Iran].” He goes on: “many members of Congress from both sides of the aisle believe that any agreement with Iran will do little or nothing to stop Iran from pursuing [modern science].”

Like Jim Bridenstine, Fred Fleitz asks a question – this one a very Jewish question about intent: “Why would the Obama administration agree to such a deal?” and he answers: “In their desperation, they hope to bolster the legacy of Obama.” And if that's not enough, they add this offensive defaming accusation: “Obama has in effect decided to concede the bomb to Tehran.”

And like Bridenstine, Fleitz tells what is imperative: “It is therefore imperative that Congress on a bipartisan basis demand that the president...” He is here talking about the congress of zombies who remain brain-dead when it comes to doing the business of America, but come to life and work “on a bipartisan basis” like busy bees to implement that which leads to the glory of Israel, only Israel and no one but Israel. It's all about Israel, you see!

And there are two more commands from occupied Tel Aviv to the District of Columbia. There is this: “An extension should also be rejected by Congress.” And there is this: “Congress must insist on a fundamental change in the U.S. approach, and make it clear that American policy must be to stop Iranian [scientific and technological progress].”

Only in America, eh!