Thursday, January 1, 2015

America's genocidal War on Palestine

The Jewish ideology is such that its interlocutors are encouraged to invent on the spot a Jewish trait that would help buttress their current argument even if it will later prove to merit a trip to the proverbial gas chamber. One such invention has been to say: “Everyone knows we're going to keep this looted Palestinian property if there will be an agreement, so why wait for an agreement that may never come? We just take the loot, and give nothing in return.” How much more Jewish can it get? How much more deserving of the chamber can it be?

Another Jewish trait these people invoke is to advise someone they are engaged with in a court battle, how he must proceed with the case against them. Undoubtedly, this is what they will do when the Palestinians will take their case to the International Criminal Court. The Jews will have one overriding objective in mind; to preserve the existing system no matter the outcome of the current litigation. Of course, they will want to win the current case, but more important to them will be to maintain the system which, after some cosmetic modifications, they hope will continue to let them do more of the same again and again. And so, they will advise the Palestinians to tackle them in a way that is so narrow, the Jews will not be defeated on all fronts if they lose the current litigation.

And the system they will want to preserve is that of America's behind-the-scenes responsibility in the genocidal war that is waged against the people of Palestine. The fact is that most of the settlers doing the looting are Americans or American educated. They are in occupied Palestine because American financiers pay them to go settle there. They go equipped with American weapons and munitions, and they go having learned to coordinate with the Israeli army on how to harass the indigenous population, how to chase its people away or kill them when possible, and how to take their properties.

Furthermore, to make it look and sound like the invading savage is a saint, and that the indigenous population is genetically defective for not embracing the incoming monster and make it feel at home, the Jews mount media campaigns in America in which they argue that even as jewelers and bootleggers, they know how to grow orange trees in the Fertile Crescent that is the land of milk and honey, better than the Palestinians can grow olive trees … something they have been doing since the beginning of time. And of course, the Jews always win the argument in the mind of the American legislators and media types who get orgasmic at what they feel is the marvel of Jewish wisdom they see delivered in the absence of a push-back against it … as dictated by the “sensitive” Jews who object being offended by a push-back of any kind.

And when this happens, the legislative branch of the American government moves to smash every effort of the Palestinian government to secure even the minimum of rights for its people. The American lawmakers achieve their goal by calling the invasion of Palestine a Jewish right to self-defense, and calling the Palestinian resentment of such invasion an act of terrorism against the legitimate aspirations of Jews. And who would be those Jews? They would mostly be desperate losers in America who could not earn an honest living working like everyone else, thus convert to Judaism and go to Palestine where they forever live the good life licking the blood of innocent Palestinian men, women and children.

In addition, the legislative branch pushes everyone in America, especially the executive branch, to go into the world and recruit whom they can – be it governments, businesses or individuals – to stand with the Jews against the Palestinian people who refuse to give up the dream of getting back what is theirs … so as to live freely in their own homes like do all human beings who are fortunate enough to live in places on this planet which are free of Jews, and had been purged of Jewish influence.

This being the background against which the Palestinians will want to construct their case at the International Criminal Court, what will come out will unmask the charade of America pretending to be an honest broker. On the contrary, America will be shown as being the senior partner in the criminal act that is perpetrated against the people of Palestine. In fact, America was never a broker standing between Palestine and the Jews; it was a fully responsible culprit. This makes it so that what the Palestinians need now is an international broker that will stand between them and the nakedly shameless genocidal America.

When done with the case at the International Criminal Court, the Palestinians may then return to the United Nations, and have it condemn America for the horror show it has inflicted and maintained during all these years on Palestine and the world.