Monday, January 26, 2015

Demolished Certainty of the ignorant Class

As a class of pundits, advisers and counselors, no one is more ignorant than the Jews. If they were half as good at understanding human behavior as they want the world to believe, many would have avoided being kicked from the places where their stay became intolerable, and many more would have escaped the fate of the gas chamber and the crematorium. The fact is that the brainwave of a domesticated monkey, horse, dog or cat is closer to that of their owners than the Jewish brainwave is to that of humanity.

But having written a book of folklore they call the Old Testament inside of which they tell fantastic stories about Jewish advisers that gave sound advice to rulers of the ancient empires, they managed to impress a number of gullible European warlords in the Middle and Dark Ages. The latter responded by giving them high level posts in the fiefdom from where the Jews pronounced the kind of advice that ruined their employers. Feeling deceived and betrayed by charlatans that took advantage of them, the employers were joined by their subjects, and together, made the Jews who did not flee, pay with their lives and the lives of their kinfolks.

Still, the Jews never gave up the practice of deceiving rulers willing to listen to them and hire them as advisers. They continued to pull the same stunt in the modern era, a practice for which they were made to pay the highest price ever in an operation that was named the Holocaust. Even this operation did not deter them from crossing the Atlantic Ocean to America where they wasted no time pulling the same old stunt on a gullible ruling class.

And they managed in about half a century to turn a superpower that was at the zenith of its glory into a pathetic has-been that is good enough only to serve as a private washroom maintained by John Boehner and guarded by him for when Benjamin Netanyahu comes to town and lectures the American class of pundits. All this happened because history has refused to end its march … continuing instead to develop in such a way as to expose the accumulated Jewish advice as being the work of charlatans.

Time after time, that class of grand ignoramuses advised the various American Administrations and Congresses as to what America must do in the Middle East and everywhere else in the world, for that matter. And those in charge of America listened to the advice as if it had come from God himself. Yes, America listened and America obeyed, but instead of making the promised gains, America sank deeper into the cesspool to which the highly paid Jewish pundits kept flushing it.

Given that only the Israeli and Jewish matters are handled on a bipartisan basis in America while the rest of the country remains paralyzed, this reality is manifested even in the way that the two extremes of the spectrum have decided to handle their backtracking with regard to the Syrian question. On the Left side of the spectrum, the editors of the New York Times wrote: “Shifting Realities in Syria,” while on the Right side, the editors of the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) wrote: “Our Man in Damascus,” a piece that also came under the subtitle: “The White House leaks that it is tilting toward Assad and Iran.” Both editorials were published on January 25, 2015.

Breaking from a past when the advice given by the editors of the Wall Street Journal to every difficulty, was to bomb everyone and everything in sight, they now propose that the “Congress should ask the Administration to clarify if Assad really is Mr. Obama's man in Damascus.” Of course, this does not tell how to solve a festering problem, but it gives the Journal's editors the opportunity to participate in a discussion where they say nothing and yet receive credit for something.

As to the editors of the New York Times, they first remind the world of the unworkable Right Wing fantasy that was proposed by Senator John McCain, and then concur with the WSJ that: “Congress must, of course, have a role in advising...” That would be the same Congress that John Boehner is maintaining, and that Benjamin Netanyahu is using to relieve himself when nature calls.

But do not be sad, my friend, because even if it took the destruction of a superpower in record time, there is a silver lining in the cloud. It is that a historical precedent has been set to the effect that when the Jews speak with certainty, the world will realize it is pure ignorance and will reject it. Hallelujah!

Farewell superpower America, hello new era free of crappy Jewish advice.