Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Target of the Jewish moral Syphilis

Websites such as this one, as well as all sorts of other outlets where pundits are allowed to express themselves freely, have been warning that the charade they call “freedom agenda” and such other names, is but a Jewish plot whose intent goes well beyond what appears on the surface.

For example, seeing the running dogs run around crying out hysterically “punish Egypt, punish Egypt” for refusing to let foreign so-called civil societies operate in the country, may appear to have been working toward the goal of encouraging the growth of American values in Egypt and elsewhere, but the reality has always been that America itself was among the targets – if not the chief target – of the demonic exercise that must be called by its proper name: the injection, if not the ejaculation, of Jewish moral syphilis into the heads, the hearts and the souls of the American people.

Yes, Egypt and the other countries – in whose face the barking dogs have been barking – got visibly irritated … but that's precisely the effect that the Jewish organizations wanted to provoke so as to turn around and tell the Americans that their values have been embraced by the Jews, and rejected by Egypt and the other countries. And the message has been that the American people must now love the Jews and hate all those who reject America by rejecting its values.

The insidious effect of all this has been that America itself was slowly transformed into something that would have horrified the Americans that were conned originally into buying the charade that the Jews were working to promote American values abroad when in reality they were working to anesthetize the American people as they stealthily brainwashed them to instill into their subconscious mind the doctrine that unquestioned submission to the will of the Jews was a good thing.

Thus, while pretending to work towards the goal of making the world submit to the will of America, the Jews have been working towards the goal of making America submit to the will of the Jews. And they succeeded brilliantly as it is apparent from the column that Marc A. Thiessen has written under the title: “Why Netanyahu is right to go around Obama to Congress,” published on January 26, 2015 in the Washington Post.

After portraying what he calls “senior American officials” as being a bunch of headless idiots who “threatened” Netanyahu for going to the Congress – which is America's foremost civil society – behind the back of the Administration, Marc Thiessen characterized that whole episode as follows: “No wonder Netanyahu is going around these people to Congress for support.” Did you see this, my friend? He calls senior American officials ”these people.” Let him try to pull a denigrating stunt of this caliber in an Arab country, and see how many lashes he will receive, or how much time he will spend in jail.

Furthermore, feeling confident that the American people have been so completely anesthetized and so thoroughly brainwashed that they will wholeheartedly accept their country's role being subordinated to that of the Jews, Thiessen went on to say: “The fact that Netanyahu felt compelled to speak to Congress speaks poorly, not of Netanyahu, but of Obama.” Thus, he did the very Jewish thing of spitting in the face that is the symbol of America, and then blamed it all on the victim.

To justify that whole sickly performance, Thiessen pulled another well known Jewish trick: he plucked a fallacy out of thin air, and presented it as if it were the gospel truth. Here it is: “Arab leaders have made clear that they share Israel's view.” The truth is that the Arabs would rather be infested with the proverbial “fleas of a thousand camels” than be forced to smell a Jew who would come closer to them than a mile and a half. And that's without the Jew transforming their country into a pathetic image resembling that of a subordinated America. Yuck!

But if that subordination had happened – which is the case in Palestine – look at the way that the people there are fighting back to maintain their Arab dignity, and maintain the freedom that is normally associated with human beings, rather than pretend to enjoy the freedom that is associated with a domesticated dog. Such dog may be getting all the love that his masters shower on him, but it is never a few feet away from the leash that can be slapped around its neck at any time.

The American people will not know what freedom feels like until they experience it again, should they be so lucky as to snatch it back from the hands of their Jewish masters.