Sunday, January 11, 2015

The Jewish Quest for a War of the Religions

Up to now the Rupert Murdoch empire had restricted itself to using only the audio-visual outlets of its publishing division to advocate the eruption of a war of religions between Christianity and Islam. But this is changing with the entry of the Wall Street Journal into the fray. An example of the new regime is the editorial piece that came under the title: “The Next Islamist Rampage” and the subtitle: “The West has to reinforce its terror defenses, including surveillance.” It was published in the Journal on January 10, 2015.

Before anything, let it be said that no government or recognized institution in the Arab or Muslim Worlds is advocating what the word jihad has come to mean. In fact, jihad was called upon to perform only once in the modern era, and the caller was none other than the highly esteem American President Ronald Reagan. He called for a Muslim jihad to be unleashed against a Soviet Union that had invaded Afghanistan, and he personally saw to it that the practitioners of Jihad (Mujahedeen in Arabic) were well equipped and well financed in their fight to liberate the Asian nation.

What happened after the successful liberation of Afghanistan was that the Mujahedeen felt betrayed by the Americans who broke their promise to help modernize the country but abandoned it, leaving the inhabitants in a state that looked as primitive as ever. Feeling scorned and dejected, the Mujahedeen and their supporters decided to get back at America, relying in their struggle on the lessons that the Americans had taught them, and in some cases the weapons that the Americans had given them. They went after American interests anywhere in the world they could find them, causing as much damage as they could – not because of religion but because they wanted the sweet taste of revenge to replace the bitter taste that America had created in their mouths.

Rejoicing at this turn of the events, the ever opportunistic Jews did not watch from the sidelines and salivate for long. They jumped into the fray in the blink of an eye, and geared their formidable propaganda machine to make the new battle seem like a war between a Christian establishment and a Muslim one. But despite a non-stop effort by the likes of Fox News and National Review Online to inflame the passions, neither of the religious establishments was motivated to view the battle as anything but a nuisance caused by Muslim kids having nothing better to do. In the interim, however, they gave the contributors to those publications something to talk and write about, thus look useful and get paid. Still, the publications insisted that this was a war between the two religions, therefore advocated responses that would, in effect, turn the nuisance into a religious war.

And now that the Wall Street Journal has joined the fray, you see the same trend emerge in its editorial. For example, you see in the opening paragraph how the editors advise Europe to reinforce its “moral and military” defenses. Next, they argue that despite the differences between Europe and America, the latter is just as prone to being attacked, therefore must reinforce its own defenses. But they don't stop here because what the Jews really want is to plant the American military permanently into the Middle East.

To this end, the editors of Murdoch's Journal accuse Obama's America of having abdicated the Syrian civil war, and so they counsel that the country “accelerate and intensify the campaign against Islamic State.” But because this will not be sufficient to give the war a religious overtone, they advocate that the West – which includes America – must play a harder game. Here is how they put it: “The West also needs to cease its political campaign against the most effective antiterror tools. This means surveillance in particular.” The editors wish to go even further than that, so they advocate the playing of the trump car: “The West will have to consider more aggressive interventions, including arrest or exile for citizens.” Thus, you have a Rupert Murdoch who is an Australian Jew, telling America it must consider arresting its citizens, even send them into exile.

To close the argument the editors get back to the business of accusing Obama of failure to provide leadership and of being naïve, which is why they call on members of the Congress and the pool of presidential candidates to intervene if not by legislative means, by speaking “clearly about how they define the Islamist threat and how the West can defeat it.”

Bear in mind that the Congress and the pool of presidential candidates is where the wealth of Rupert Murdoch has its heyday. This is where the pimps and the prostitutes, the madams and the gigolos gather to be inspected, bought and sent for a sojourn in the Jewish-Israeli whorehouse where they learn to suckle the Jewish moral syphilis, and feast on it to their hearts' content.