Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Avoiding America's Kiss of Death

Jesus was betrayed with a single kiss from a Jew, and look how horribly he died. The people of Palestine have been kissed thousands of times by Jewish America, and try to imagine how horribly they have been made to suffer. The confession is now in to the effect that the promise of independence at the end of negotiations was nothing more than a series of Jewish lies injected – when necessary – like puffs of paralyzing gas by America's mouth into the kissable mouth of Palestine. It has been several decades of betrayal at a scale no less horrible than the plagues of biblical times.

On January 10, 2015, Bret Stephens published in the Wall Street Journal: “Israel's Minister Without Apologies,” an article that also came under the subtitle: “A rising conservative star says the old formulas for pursuing peace with the Palestinians are obsolete. The two-state solution? Not anytime soon.” It is the result of an interview he conducted with Naftali Bennett, a minister in the current government of Israel.

Stephens sets the stage for the confession to come by suggesting that: “For 25 years, every Israeli government had categorically rejected the idea of a Palestinian state.” In the opinion of Bennett, this would have been a bad model to implement. Instead, he says he has a good model called Judea and Samaria. He admits it is a continuation of the “current policy [which] gives Jewish settlers privileged access to the land while consigning nearly two million Palestinians to Bantustan-like enclaves.” And he seems to shrug the criticism leveled against this situation by insisting that “the Palestinians bear the blame for proving themselves unworthy of statehood.” Blaming the victim for the pain inflicted on them is Jewish enough, blaming the victim for being unworthy of a better treatment merits treating the Jews as less than human. Now you know why the world has always wanted to treat the Jews like animals; they begged for it.

As to the Israeli leaders who participated in the engineering and the playing of a charade by which America pretended to play the role of an honest broker while pursuing the goal of restoring the right of self-determination to the Palestinians, Bennett had this to say: “successive Israeli leaders [went] along with a commitment to a two-state solution, even as few of them believe it's possible to achieve. As a result, Israeli leaders can fairly be accused of insincerity.” Yes, it is insincerity. Tell that to the Palestinians who suffered for decades due to the insincerity of the Jews, and the complicity of the Americans.

So much for what is brewing in occupied Palestine. We now look at what is unfolding on the American stage and the international arena. To get a sense of this, we review the article that was written by Michael Mukasey and published in the Wall Street Journal on January 12, 2015. It came under the title: “The Global Court as Political Weapon” and the subtitle: “The International Criminal Court has a dismal record and appears to hold an animus toward the U.S. and Israel.”

Convinced that America is the hopeless pushover that is forever pushed around by the lying and deceiving Jews, the Palestinians decided to look elsewhere for the kind of mediation that would have a better chance at bringing to them the independence that Jewish America never intended to bring to them. The Palestinians went to the United Nations (UN) and the International Criminal Court (ICC) where they asked for relief from a situation so savage it differs little from the Stone Age of biblical times.

That was the move that prompted Michael Mukasey to pull the Jewish trick of badmouthing those at the UN and the ICC who promised to look into the case as impartially as honest mediators do, rather than praise the Jews and curse their enemies of the day like the Americans have been programmed to do each and every time.

Citing old cases taken up by the ICC that did not result in outcomes which he says should have been different, Michael Mukasey calls the ICC record a dismal one, and goes on to say: “the current chief prosecutor, Gambian lawyer Fatou Bensouda, appears hostile to both Israel and the U.S.” Thus, with the stroke of a pen, he denigrated the world, placed America on a pedestal above it and brought Israel to stand beside America. He did all this because Ms. Bensouda dared to conclude that Comoros Islands had a case against Israel which fell within the jurisdiction of the Court. Imagine how unfair to Israel this has been!

Well, it is time for the world to work together and bring Palestine down from the cross. It will be good for the people who suffered so much for so long. And it will be good for a human race that needs to be exorcised of the Jewish demon possessing it since time immemorial.