Thursday, February 9, 2017

Failure to import Europe's Troubles into America

They create the problem; when it reaches its apex, they blame someone else for it and then ask to be put in charge of fixing it. Sounds familiar? It's a typical run of the Jewish machine for domination.

In real life, the Jews recruited feeble minds and ignoramuses. They instructed them to keep barking at an American government that would not say “Muslim terrorism.” They accused the authorities in charge of being incompetent till “a new sheriff came to town.” He took their advice and screwed up royally, creating a massive problem that got out of hand. The Jews blamed it all on him, and claimed they can fix the problem if he would follow their new and improved set of instructions.

That's where Clifford D. May stands at this juncture. He wrote: “Border disputes,” an article that also came under the subtitle: “A nation of immigrants has the right to decide who may enter, and how many and when.” It was published on February 7, 2017 in The Washington Times. Whereas the title gives the impression that the article is about the border issue concerning the United States and Mexico, the reality is that it's about the “Muslim ban”.

Clifford May follows a well known formula to make his point. He says there are people out there who wish to hurt us because we are good and they are bad. The trouble is that no one here is doing what's necessary to stop them, but I have an idea, he went on to say. And here is how he formulated his idea: “Al Qaeda and the Islamic State are not equal opportunity employers … This is an uncomfortable reality … To label such system 'violent extremism,' as did President Obama obscures more than it reveals. Islamism and radical Islam are better terms. And then there is Jihadism.” Well, it sounds like May's new and improved set of instructions is the same old set of dilapidated instructions.

Now that he told you how bad the bad guys are, he runs the typical Jewish “pity me, pity me” cry. It goes like this: “Are effective measures in place to keep them out? To even ask such question is to risk being called immoral, bigoted and islamophobic.” Oh pity me, pity me. But being the lucky people that we are, he goes on to say, “Trump was elected president because he promised to address such concerns. He began by issuing an executive order limiting immigration … To call it a 'Muslim ban' is imprecise.” So there you are.

But guess what, my friend: Clifford D. May is absolutely right and absolutely wrong at the same time; something that happens only to Jews. Do you know why? Because they always talk from both sides of the mouth. In reality, the executive order signed by Trump was based on a list that was prepared by Obama's team. It did not create the massive problem that it did under Trump because Obama did not allow the Jews to associate Islam with terrorism. He recognized that America had taken the Jewish advice; had destroyed several Arab countries and turned them into failed states where terrorists could hide and surface at will. He quietly asked his security officials to watch for visitors from those countries, and vet them more tightly than usual. It was all done in a civilized way.

But now that the Jewish leaders used mouthy proxies to create the massive problem that swallowed the Trump administration, what do they do next? Here is a typical response by Clifford May, who is one of those leaders: “There is no getting around the fact that the order was clumsily drafted and amateurishly implemented … The neophyte administration deserved criticism.” You guessed it; they blamed it all on Donald Trump and his team. What can be more cowardly or more Jewish than that?

This, however, was not their way to antagonize the new administration. It was an attempt to absolve themselves of sin. This done, Clifford May realized he must now get back to the business of painting the enemy of the day with the dirtiest brush in his arsenal of defamation. And so, he came up with the following witch's brew:

“The maladies and pathologies afflicting what we have come to call the Muslim world cannot be cured by the mass transfer of good people to America and Western Europe … Americans have a right and a responsibility to decide whom we welcome and how many newcomers we are prepared to resettle and integrate. Priorities have to be established”.

With that, he reaches the finish line where custom dictates that he makes his recommendations. Here they are:

“Priorities have to be established: Those to whom we grant the privilege of American citizenship should regard the U.S. Constitution as the law of the land, believe in freedom of speech and religion, and embrace tolerance. The day they are sworn in as Americans should be the proudest day of their lives”.

What Clifford May does not know – being American-born and Jewish – is that the people who leave everything behind and settle in a new country feel exactly that way. They are not the ones who cause trouble in Europe or America. The troublemakers turn out to be the ones born in the country they grow to despise because they feel treated like second class citizens. Their response is to make a statement by getting back at the country violently.

This has been the reality in Europe, a lesson that Jews such as Clifford May and others like him learned about and tried to duplicate in America. To that end, they mounted a big operation to get feeble minds and ignoramuses on Jewish controlled media – such as Fox News and the tabloids – where they tried to make young American Muslims feel unwelcome in their country of birth.

But judging by the demonstrations that occurred throughout the country in response to the Trump slip-up, the Jewish leaders failed to achieve their demonic goals big time.

May Donald Trump never listen to them again so as to make America what he wants to make it, not what they might well end-up making it.