Friday, February 3, 2017

Unfair Policeman of the World losing Credibility

Nobody, not even Winston Churchill told the United States of America to police the World. All that he did was advise the Americans to keep an eye on the Soviet Union because that place was so secretive, it scared the hell out of him. America took the advice to heart and ran with it, making itself policeman of the world.

Coming out of the Second World War – the one that started only 22 years after the “war to end all wars” – it was natural for the Americans to assume an international role. It was even logical that such role should be based primarily on their military prowess, though they did a great deal in the economic sphere as well. They did so altruistically to help rebuild the countries they fought with and those they fought against.

Having two world wars 22 years part, helped cement the idea that the world needed a global forum where the nations can gather and do “jaw-jaw instead of war-war.” This is how and why the United Nations (UN) came into being, and despite its shortcomings, has prevented a World War Three from happening in 72 years since the last one. In case you're interested, this is 22 years plus another 50 years or half a century … an impressive record.

A people that suffered a great deal during the Second War were the Jews. They agitated to have a place of their own where they promised they will live quiet lives and bother no one. Despite the sordid history they had with everyone, everywhere on the planet at all time, the United Nations trusted them to keep their word, and voted Israel into existence. It carved an enclave out of Palestine, and made it a homeland for the Jews.

Unfortunately, instead of keeping their word, the Jews did what they have been doing during their entire existence: they broke their word, embarked on a policy of expansion – first in Palestine and then around the surrounding neighborhood – and turned against the very United Nations that gave them a new lease on life. It turned out, the Jews never intended to live a quiet life, but used Israel as a base from where to spread a lethal ideology for world conquest; one that is more virulent than all the venom you'll find in Satan's hell.

Eventually, Israel got kicked out of most of the places it tried to take by force. The exception is a piece of Palestine; a place called the West Bank. There, Israel imposed a military rule on millions of indigenous people living on the land since the beginning of time. It offers military protection to thugs from around the world who convert to Judaism, accept a hefty sum from gamblers in America, and go settle in the West Bank. They do more than settle, however, as they practically hunt the Palestinians, chase them away or kill them and loot their possessions. They do all this under the watchful eyes of the American financed and equipped Israeli military.

This is where the United Nations, the creator of Israel, said enough was enough. And this is where the Jews reacted true to form by attacking the United Nations. They continue to throw at it all the venom they are able to manufacture, and you can see a sample of that by reading: “Putting a price tag on the United Nations,” an article written by Clifford D. May and published on January 31, 2017 in The Washington Times.

In keeping with the Jewish ideology of working relentlessly to eliminate those who refuse to love the Jews unconditionally no matter what, the Judeo-Israeli establishment uses American power to change the regimes it dislikes. It also uses America's media to defeat the American politicos who refuse to toe the line. And now, it seeks to use American public opinion to do away with the United Nations altogether.

That's what Clifford May seeks to do in his article. At a time when the Judeo-Israeli establishment proved to be responsible for wasting literally trillions of taxpayers' dollars on fruitless wars that were conceived, engineered and supervised by the Jews, you see the mob of Jewish pundits – Clifford May among them – use the financial argument to say that eight billion dollars are too much to give to the United Nations.

But why are the Jewish pundits doing this? Here is the reason why:

“The U.N. has never taken serious actions against genocide in Cambodia, Rwanda, the Balkans, Sudan or Syria, nor against Iran. Demonizing and delegitimizing Israel appears to be its main occupation”.

But the fact is that the job of the UN is to pass resolutions which are then implemented by the member states, especially the ones that have the wherewithal to do so. The UN played the role it was mandated to play in every case that Clifford May says it did not. It passed the right kind of resolutions, and they were adhered to by most of the world most of the time.

The exception has been Israel in whose name the United States repeatedly frustrated the efforts of the UN, defeating them with the use of the veto. Where, on rare occasions, the United States refrained from doing that, a law was enacted to restrain Israel. The latter responded in accordance with the Jewish belief that Jews are above the law and cannot be restrained by the UN or anyone.

Two recent examples illustrate these horrifically incongruous realities. On the same day (February 2, 2017) that Israel defied (in your face) the UN resolution pertaining to building settlements in the West Bank, the United States accused Iran – which came out, not long ago, from under a tough sanctions regime – of violating a UN resolution. Consequently, the U.S. vowed to impose new sanctions on Iran.

This is creating a stark irony that will have the effect of chopping one more slice off America's aura and credibility as a fair policeman worthy of respect and deference.