Tuesday, February 21, 2017

How the Jewish Influence diminishes America

A perfect example of how the Jewish influence on America's political and cultural life diminishes the country, is provided by Jackson Diehl whose latest column demonstrates how the Jews prevent America from evolving, even cause it to devolve in some areas.

He wrote: “Trump has a new idea for Middle East peace! Except it isn't new at all.” It was published on February 19, 2017 in the Washington Post. In line with what the mob of Jewish pundits and their echo-repeaters are doing these days, Diehl wrote about the conundrum that the Jews created for themselves by grabbing something that isn't theirs and getting the American suckers to pay for their crime in blood, treasure and standing in the world.

Parroting those who preceded him, Diehl's point is that the status quo regarding the military occupation of Palestine by Israel is fine the way things stand now. But if President Donald Trump wants to do something around this issue, he can try his hand at coaxing the Arab countries to sell-out to Israel. The idea is to allow Israel to ethnically cleanse the West Bank and then annex it without the Arab nations objecting to the crime. The ultimate Jewish vision is that if this could be achieved, Israel will withstand the objections that will most certainly come from many places around the globe.

The difference between what Diehl is saying now, and what those who preceded him had said, is that he could not avoid raising the matter of the Arab initiative on the table for a decade and a half already. That's because when his predecessors ignored it, the reaction was such that he was forced to break ranks with them to avoid seeing his column thrown into the trash can. He had no choice but to mention the Arab initiative.

And this is where the degenerating effect of the Judeo-Yiddish culture on America comes into full bloom. Look how Diehl brought up the matter: “...a proposal by Saudi Arabia for relations with Israel in exchange for its withdrawal from occupied territories was adopted by the Arab League. That it has gone nowhere since then is telling: Arab governments are not prepared to negotiate on behalf of the Palestinians, much less endorse terms for a settlement that Abbas would reject”.

But the truth is that the Arab initiative went nowhere because the Jews refused to trade the West Bank for normal relation with the Arabs, or anything else for that matter. Previous to that, the Jews were constantly nagging America to coax the Arabs into having normal relations with Israel. When the Arabs said they'll do that if Israel kept its promise and withdrew from Palestine, Israel rejected the offer. That's where things stood for fifteen years till suddenly; the Jews saw an opportunity with the rise of Iran and the advent of Donald Trump. They thought they could get America to coax the Arabs into having normal relations with Israel without them asking the latter to withdraw from Palestine.

But how does that affect America? To answer this question, we review what Diehl said about the Arabs. Instead of admitting that Israel rejected the offer, he says that the Arabs would not be prepared to negotiate on behalf of the Palestinians. But the fact is that they did; they began to negotiate by making an offer. Instead of responding the way things are done in any civilized give-and-take, Israel turned around and ran like a scared savage.

Jackson Diehl went on to say: “much less endorse terms for a settlement that Abbas would reject.” And this, my friend, is where he demonstrates both the inferiority of the Judeo-Yiddish culture, and its contagious effect on the American politico-Journalistic culture ... which in turn, infects the general culture. First, Diehl pretends to know before the start of the negotiations what the ultimate terms of the settlement will be. Second, he pretends to know that Abbas will reject a settlement that hasn't been negotiated. Third, he pretends to know that the Arabs will be reluctant to endorse terms that were never spelled out. Well, you must give it to this guy because never before has so much logical junk been compressed in such little space.

A normal culture runs on the logical determination by its adult population of what is possible and what is not. What you see in the performance of Jackson Diehl is the logic of a mind that has not reached that level of maturity. It is the product of a logic that relates to the norm in the way that a child relates to an adult. This makes it an inferior culture emanating from a brain that's functioning at a level well below par.

The trouble is that the child has mastered the art of influencing what used to be a mature American culture, and dragged it down to its level. Try to figure that out while watching the performance of the United States Congress.