Thursday, April 6, 2017

Because they know how to do these Things

“We know how to do these things,” said Netanyahu to his junior operatives when they expressed worry that Washington wasn't playing their game as readily as before. Netanyahu knew what he was talking about because the old-time professionals were doing the work that no one, not even the juniors, knew was being done.

The professionals were implementing the Jewish formula of treating those who oppose them with due respect lest they retaliate … and treat those who tolerate them like suckers, created to be exploited till nothing is left of them to exploit. Adapted to serve the current situation, the Jewish formula was calling on the Jewish Hate and Incitement Machine (JHAIM) to beat up on Israel's neighbors while calling on America to force the so-called liberal-democratic system of governance on them.

At the same time as that, the JHAIM was calling on the mob of Jewish pundits and opinion makers in America to mobilize its members and get them to blow their entrails out of their bellies hollering the antisemitic accusation at anyone that might be inclined to express an opinion to the effect that Israel or any Jew is less than one hundred percent perfect.

The goal of Netanyahu's professional operatives was to implement a system of Jewish tyranny on the American people, forcing them to express love and admiration for the Jews. The carrot was that they will be left alone to pursue life, liberty and happiness if they complied. The stick was that they will be ruined financially if they did not. They will also fade away professionally from the scene, and dealt with as if they had never existed.

This Judeo-Israeli policy for America succeeded in shutting up the American people; shutting up their media and shutting up their politicians. It was so effective, it would have been the envy of the Nazis, the Fascists, the Communists and the North Koreans. It gave the Jews the secrecy they needed to get things done their way, and do it in complete darkness. This is what Netanyahu meant when he said he knew how to do these things.

You get a taste of how this game was played when you read the article that came under the title: “Letting freedom fade” and the subtitle: “Surrendering liberty has become the Western response to Islamist threats,” written by Clifford D. May and published on April 4, 2017 in The Washington Times.

What May is doing is participate in a debate that has to do with the concerns that the Muslim community has expressed about the denigration of its religion, and how that is affecting its members as citizens. May is lamenting what the community is asking for in order to remedy the situation, pointing to the fact that some form of self-censorship has already set-in, and he doesn't like it one bit.

Hey, Clifford May, look here: The Muslims started a debate, and you've joined it. Believe it or not, this is democracy. You say you're defending democracy, but the fact that you lament what you're allowed to be a part of, says you have no clue what democracy is. In fact, what you've managed to prove is that you're a member of Netanyahu's professionals, working to shut up the American people (now the Canadians too); shut up the media on both sides of the border, and shut up the politicians as well.

Let me tell you something else you don't have the IQ to figure out by yourself, Cliff. The situations which are debated openly have a good chance of being resolved to the satisfaction of most stakeholders. By contrast, the situations which are played out in secrecy do not get resolved in any satisfactory way. I know this from personal experience; so let me tell you my story.

Half a century ago I said that Egypt was a civilized country, and like a horde of savage animals, members of the Canadian Jewish Congress spread themselves throughout the land to slander me behind my back. They joined Jewish organizations in other lands, and spread the calumny there too so as to make sure no one will give me a break. I knew at the time they were slandering me but didn't know to what extent. I know some of it now.

It is that some good people tried to resolve my situation even before I started this blog, but realized it cannot be done because the Jews operated in secrecy for a long time, so the good people gave up. I learned about their effort, and then learned what the Jews were doing behind my back. Let me give you one instance, they tell me was repeated differently to suit different occasions – at least a dozen times throughout the decades.

Do you remember Bob Dole? He was a big shot in the Congress, maybe even ran for president if memory serves. I am told that the Jews concocted a scare, and put out fake news to the effect that I was caught plotting to bow up his home or office or something. The Jews repeated this sort of stories about me throughout Canada and a few places in America, I am told. Now you know why every time I see the Jews slander someone, I can only think of them as animals.

Netanyahu said he knows how to do these things. Indeed he does. He too will be rewarded with the gift that the Jews have earned throughout their existence: another holocaust. That's what you get when you harm innocent people behind their back and call your action a democracy.