Sunday, April 23, 2017

Please choose not to be my Friend

What do you think is worth more: a pound of organic fertilizer or a ton of Jewish haggle? You're probably saying you don't know and you don't care what either is worth. Fair enough. But you will care if someday a Jew of the Jonathan S. Tobin caliber chooses to be your friend, and decides that you need his protection.

Oh no, don't get me wrong! I'm not saying Jonathan Tobin believes you're a democracy and he is a member of the notorious outfit pretending to defend the democracies of the Western world. It is just that he wrote a whopping article in almost 1,300 words in which he haggles interminably a number of ideas that will make you thank the heavens you're not President of the United States at this time.

The article came under the title: “Trump Isn't Flip-Flopping on Iran” and was published on April 21, 2017 in National Review Online. The genius of this guy is that he had an idea; he thought it was a great idea, and he decided to use it to defend President Donald Trump in an area where the President doesn't need his defense. This is like gifting someone that has no garden, a pound of organic fertilizer.

Tobin's original idea that started his chain of thoughts is that he believed some people are fundamentally evil, and everyone should know who they are even before they do anything evil. That's the story of the Iranians, he says. The trouble is that former President Barack Obama never knew this, Tobin goes on to explain. Had he known – which he should have, being President – he would have guessed they were going to cheat on the spirit of the nuclear deal, if not the letter of it, even before they did.

And that's not all, says Tobin, because even if the Iranians had not cheated, Barack Obama should have known that the deal itself was a bad one. He should never have negotiated it, and he should never have signed it. This is what brought Tobin to the realization that the Trump Administration “is facing up to the implications of the mess Obama left behind.” In fact, this is the sentence with which Tobin started his article.

What brought this problem to the fore in the eyes of Tobin is that “Trump acknowledged that Iran is currently in compliance with the nuclear deal,” and that his critics “smirked” and “guffawed” because they saw this “as yet another Trump flip-flop.” No, says Tobin, it is not a flip-flop because “those who focus on Iranian compliance are missing the big picture.” That's when he started explaining his theory about some people being fundamentally evil, and that everyone should know it instinctively. People should know it, says Tobin, before the evil ones commit any evil; even if they go through life never committing any evil; even if those who accuse them are themselves irredeemably evil. Get it? If you don't, you need to take a lesson in Jewish logic.

In any case, now that you are so wise as to know all of that, Tobin has something else to say to you. Despite the fact that the Jews have been in charge of America's foreign policy since Barack Obama was a toddler, Tobin wants you to know that the blame for America's troubles on the world stage falls on Obama's shoulders. This is what the new President, Donald Trump, is facing, he asserts. And being the loyal American that he is, he feels obligated to tell the President what to do next to fix all those problems.

His first advice to President Donald Trump is that “he shouldn't shelve efforts to rethink Iran policy [because] Washington's problems with Iran shouldn't be underestimated.” This done, Tobin thanks the Congress for refusing “to repeal U.S. laws that impose penalties on entities doing business with Iran.” He goes on to assert that “this gives Trump the chance to make it even harder on Europeans looking for opportunities in Tehran”.

And so, despite the fact that it was an older generation of Jews that was responsible for getting America mired in a global diplomatic quagmire where the country made enemies everywhere you look, this young Jew is now telling Trump how to complete the job and make the few nations in Europe that still sit with America and talk, how to antagonize them and turn them into enemies.

You can do that, says Tobin to Trump, by making it difficult for the Europeans to do business with Iran. Of course, being the businessman that he is, Donald Trump likes to do business with everybody. Thus, Tobin does not tell him to cancel the deal that Boeing inked with Iran. But the Europeans should not do as Trump does, says Tobin, they should do as he says. That's because it is the only way he'll remain friends with them, says Tobin the Jew who chose to be the friend of the American President.