Monday, April 17, 2017

Will Trump succeed where others have failed?

How do you know that the general condition of a leper is worse than it appears?

You know it when you hear him or her say something to the effect that “I am glad to know that someone has decided to clean up this town of its lepers. It's about time we have a healthy place in which to live.” And that, my friend, is what tells you the specimen in question is both a leper and a mental case.

This is the reality that hits you in the face when you read the article that came under the title: “Trump juggles the foreign policy balls Obama dropped,” written by Claudia Rosett and published on April 16, 2017 in The Hill. She says she is happy that President Trump has decided to clean up the planet of “predatory regimes” that occupy other people's lands. When you discover that she is not pointing the finger at the international leper that is Israel, you realize that Claudia Rosett is at least a borderline mental case.

She begins by saying that “America badly and urgently needs to restore its lost credibility.” She goes on to explain that “predatory regimes tend to observe each other and learn from each other. When Russia snatches turf from a neighbor and gets away with it, that sends a message to China,” she asserts. And this serves to show us how a diseased mind actually works.

Look what Rosett did: instead of saying that Russia snatched Crimea because it learned from Israel that had snatched Palestine before it, Rosett speculated that China will do it to someone because Russia did it to Ukraine. Yet, the writer makes no mention of Israel that started the trend. This is like infecting a neighbor with one's leprosy, and asking that she be kicked out of town because she might infect others in the neighborhood.

And Rosett does not stop here. On the contrary, in her eagerness to fully elaborate on her point of view, she exposes the extent of her deficiency at reasoning. As a Jew who believes that Jews – and by extension Israel – are a unique breed that must not be affected by what applies universally to the human race, Rosett advises that “in matters involving aggressive tyrannies, words must be backed by the credible willingness to use force.” This means the launch of a missile strike such as America did in Syria or the launch of a full blown invasion such as America did in Iraq.

In practical terms, Claudia Rosett has just advised President Trump – not only to stop helping Israel rob the Palestinians of their properties, which is what America has been doing for seven decades but – that he must warn Israel he'll use force if it does not get out of Palestine now, and then carry out the threat if Israel does not heed the warning. Rosett did all that not realizing it was the implication of what she was advising. Apparently, however, this is doable when it comes to dealing with the formidable Russia, China, Iran and North Korea, but not so when it comes to dealing with the little fart that is Israel. Go figure.

Another thing that Rosett does – having separated Israel from the rest of humanity – is to offer an insight on what goes on inside the heads and hearts of the Israelis and their enablers when they get together and work on plans to attack and rob a neighbor of Israel. Here is what she says in that regard: “For these tyrannies, Obama's neutering of American power created opportunities that they seized. Given the character of these regimes, they would be fools not to”.

In other words, Rosett is saying that in the absence of a warning from the American President, the Jews will be fools if they stop taking advantage of the foolhardiness that's exhibited by the Congress of brain-dead zombies who continue to encourage and finance Israel's never-ending war crimes.

And there is more because what should stagger the reader at this point is the memory of Israel receiving a cash bonus from America each time that it murdered Palestinian women and children in their homes in the middle of the night. What is even more poignant is that Israel committed these crimes using American-made precision weapons, which they describe as being so smart, they get into the chimney and blow up inside the building.

In fact, as a reward for its last assault on Gaza, Israel received a billion dollars from America, a thank-you gift for murdering 2,100 Palestinians. This comes to 476,190 dollars per head, which is America's contribution to the wholesale murder and cultural genocide of the Palestinian people.

This depraved enterprise shows that war crimes – while a huge burden on the American taxpayers – are a lucrative business for Israel; one that will be difficult to forfeit.

Will Donald Trump pull off the miracle that will free America's neck from the Jewish grip strangling it?