Saturday, April 15, 2017

It's not what is; it's what they say it is

When in the decade of the Nineteen Seventies the English speaking population of North America discovered it was not told the truth, there came into use the plea “tell it like it is”.

Now, half a century later, the plea seems to have been totally ignored. The proof is that to lie these days has become the fashionable thing to do. At this rate of change, no one should be surprised if at some point in the future, people will be speaking about the beautiful liars our children are growing up to be.

The Seventies was also the time when the Jewish propaganda machine was beginning to make serious inroads into the North American culture. Its goal was to educate the English speaking population as to the sensitivities of the Jews. Since no one knew what that was, the Jews could say anything they wanted, and no one dared to contradict them. Bear in mind also that to contradict the Jews on anything at all, often led to the financial and professional ruin of the one that dared to contradict.

The Jewish education of the American people turned out to be a one-way lecture disguised as a dialogue. The tragicomic part was that the so-called dialogue unfolded between the Jewish proponents of the day's topic and its Jewish opponents. For example, Jews were invited to give the Jewish argument, and Jews were invited to give what the Palestinian rebuttal might be. The forbidden thing was to have Palestinians give their point of view and that of their people. And so, you can imagine how much the Jews used to lie and distort with no one there to correct them.

In fact, every lecture that was given by the Jews stood on two legs. One leg consisted of telling what the Jews were doing in occupied Palestine; the other leg consisted of telling what the Palestinians intended to do. As you might expect, the content of the lectures was always the same; given by one lecturer after the other, day in and day out. It was to the effect that the Jews were having success because they made the desert bloom, whereas the Palestinians hated the Jews not because they were killing Palestinians and robbing them, but because the Palestinians were evil, and were motivated by the intent to harm the Jews.

That last point was always the big moment in every lecture. In a nutshell, the problem had nothing to do with what the Palestinians were doing, but everything to do with their evil intent, said the Jewish lecturers. And this was the moment when a few faint voices – that of yours truly included – warned that to let the Jews run off the mouth with this kind of garbage without meeting opposition, will one day open the door for the Jews to do it to the American people.

That day has arrived, and you can see its effect in the article that came under the title: “Stopping anti-Semitic bigotry” and the subtitle: “There is a role for Congress in halting the threats,” written by Abraham Cooper of the Simon Wiesenthal Center, and published on April 11, 2017 in the Washington Times.

What Cooper and a number of Jewish organizations listed in the article want, is the right to prosecute people not for what they actually say or do, but for what Cooper and other sickos like him will interpret as being the intent behind what is said. In practical terms, the Jews want to look at every criticism that's leveled against Israel, and determine if the intent of the author was to criticize Israel or express anti-Semitic bias. If the latter, the sickos want the Congressional dogs to give them legislation by which to crucify the offending authors as if they were Jesus Christ all over again.

And you won't believe what evidence Cooper has used to argue his point. Look at this passage: “We have been witness to a wave of bomb threats against Jewish community centers, synagogues and schools. Jewish cemeteries have been targeted. We are grateful that the FBI working with overseas agencies, including Israel, has identified the perpetrators”.

Instead of telling it like it is, which is that the threats were made by only one perpetrator – an American Jew living in Israel – Cooper did the Jewish thing and lied. The truth is that the perpetrator did it “to himself” to frame the Arabs, the Muslims or the White supremacists. This is a well documented Jewish habit that always raises suspicion when the organizations mention a list of anti-Semitic acts they say they have compiled.

Look now how Abraham Cooper turned the truth into a stinking lie of the most Jewish kind. He began by saying that Jewish centers were targeted, which is true. But without saying who did it or why, he went on to say he was grateful that the perpetrators (in the plural) were identified. But there was only one perpetrator; an American Jew living in Israel. Instead of telling this simple truth, Cooper concocted an elaborate fictitious story to mislead the readers.

To do that, Cooper said that the FBI worked with agencies overseas, including Israel. This is the misleading part because the FBI knew right away who the culprit was, and told the police in Israel to apprehend him … which they did. No other agencies anywhere else were involved.

Thus, the long detour taken by cooper, together with the omission of the culprit's identity, and the fact that he was apprehended, served to give the impression that a non-Jew living not-in-Israel, committed the crime. And, of course, it was the intrepid Israelis that helped the American FBI identify him.

Now, my friend, you know why the Jews get culled in gas chambers, and why they get incinerated in ovens.

And they want us to shed tears over that?