Monday, July 3, 2017

A stark Example of political Scavenging

Despite being formidable predators, vultures are also the quintessential opportunistic scavengers. They do little hunting of their own to conserve energy as long as they can feed on what other predators leave behind, having made a kill and appeased their own hunger.

Because all cultures find it convenient to project animal attributes into human beings when describing the latter's character, the scavenging characteristics of the vulture are used to analogize the dominant trait in some people.  One group often compared to vultures is the Jews. This does not mean they eat the leftovers discarded by other people; it means they have an eye for opportunistic circumstances they can pounce on and exploit.

At this time, the Jews see an opportunity opening to Israel concerning the rocky relationship that entity has had with the United Nations (UN), the institution that adopted it as a member. Representing all of humanity, the UN is acting like a typical parent that sees its adopted child behave like a savage brute, trying incessantly to suffocate or devour Palestine, the helpless native child that was alone in the crib before the adoption of Israel.

In the ongoing conflict between a UN that has humanity on its side, and an Israel that has World Jewry on its side, the Jews have so far been able to use a plethora of fox-like tricks to convince one great power or another to shield Israel as it continues to behave like the unborn shark known to eat its siblings in the mother's womb. The last of the great powers used by the Jews to help them get away with crimes against humanity, is an America that's beginning to show signs it has had enough shielding the savage and culturally primitive beast.

However, the Jews of the world believe they now see an opportunity suddenly opening to them and to Israel. Their faith is renewed in the ability to maintain America's support for Israel, and its continued shielding of the entity as it schemes to complete the job of permanently doing away with Palestinians one way or the other.

You can see how they go about executing their demonic plan in two articles that came in the same publication a day apart. One article came under the title: “Is Nikki Haley the Alternative Secretary of State?” written by Jonathan S. Tobin and published on June 30, 2017 in National Review Online. The other came under the title: “No One does Anti-Israel Bias Quite Like the UN,” written by Elliott Kaufman.

Faced with a signature behavior that says: “Jewish to the core,” the reader can only be overwhelmed by the ecstatic joy that's gushing out of Tobin's pen as he expresses the following at the start of his article: “Rex Tilerson sputters in frustration. The Secretary of State doesn't seem to enjoy being America's top diplomat, isolated and not getting much love from the White House. Tilerson doesn't have much influence over US policy”.

Based on this perceived reality, Tobin opines: “Haley has become a kind of alternative secretary of state. The length of Tilerson's tenure in office is an open question while Haley's promising career seems to have gotten a new lease on life. She is speaking out on issues such as human rights, Israel, Iran and Syria in ways that make it clear the UN post is the ideal bully pulpit … She is prepared to publicly pressure UN agencies for their anti-Semitism while affirming the US alliance with Israel”.

Now that they painted a rosy picture of what they fantasize ought to happen or will actually happen, the Jews left it to Elliott Kaufman to tell what's wrong not with Israel but with the UN, and by implication with the human race. However, instead of talking collectively about seven and a half billion individuals, Kaufman picked one, Richard Falk, and made him out to be the villain that represents the archetypal non-Jewish human. Here is how Elliott Kaufman paints a portrait of Richard Falk:

“Falk the Iran-loving, Zionist-bashing 9/11 truther. One of Khomeini's useful idiots. An open supporter of the Palestinian struggle, and sporting an unblemished record of such hysteria. He is equally fixated on the supposed crimes of the Jews. He repeated the old canard that Israelis control American foreign policy and insist on war. He has compared the Israeli government to the Nazis”.

And Kaufman concludes with this: “The realization that Falk was appointed because of these views helps explain why the UN treats Israel the way it does.”

What it does not explain is why the Jews continue to claim they are American when every word they utter and every activity they undertake to raise Israel by a notch, takes America down by a thousand notches.