Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Generation steeped in Holocaust Psychosis

If you want to know how much the constant drumming of Holocaust stories into the heads of young Americans is costing the country at this time, and how much more it will cost future generations morally and materially, read what Elliott Kaufman just published.

He wrote: “The Cost of Supporting Israel Has Never Been Lower,” an article that was published on July 17, 2017 in National Review Online. Already, the title alone reveals that Israel continues to require American support to stay afloat, as it has for the past seven decades, which prompts the question: How is that?

Well, if you're old enough you'd remember what the Jewish propaganda machine was spreading during those decades. It was saying that Israel was such a winner in all fields of human endeavor; America would be smart to try riding on its coattail, thus get ahead of its Soviet rivals. What America needed to do to earn that high honor, said the Jewish propaganda, was to send money and weapons to Israel, as well as protect it diplomatically and legally in world forums.

Yes my friend, that's the point the Jewish propaganda machine has been making for decades to the American public and the ruling elites. If you want to know how the world views this situation, it is like the pauper who lives under the bridge telling anyone that stops to listen they should donate generously to him, thus make themselves feel ennobled by his grace as it will rub off on them in accordance with the size of the donations they make.

Using different words, that's what the Jews were saying at the time. But the property of time being that it moves ahead relentlessly, what used to be the future has become the present ... and lo and behold, the truth has come out. According to Team Trump, American adventures in the Middle East – inspired by the Jewish propaganda machine – cost the country 6 trillion dollars. That's not counting the hundreds of billions that were siphoned off both openly and stealthily by Israel for it to stay afloat, and for the Jewish moguls who may not even live there, to fatten up on the aid that's coming from America.

So then, what does Elliott Kaufman do in the face of the truth coming out and demolishing decades of Jewish deception, lies, misinformation and disinformation? In truth, the lad had no choice but to admit there has been a cost to America. Still, he promises that if the cost was high in the past, it is not now because the cost “has not been lower.” How does the saying go again? Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me?

Regardless of what Kaufman says, how can we verify he is telling the truth? After all, his elders were the bunch that raped America for decades, cost it trillions of dollars and thousands of dead and wounded soldiers. And they did all this without displaying the slightest regret for the harm they inflicted on the country. Is Elliot Kaufman cut from the same cloth, adopting the same mission to continue what they started? Or has he been so brainwashed, he believes in what he says not knowing how damaging that will turn out to be for America? To answer those questions, we go over the details of what he says, and try to determine what he is up to.

The first thing we notice is that Kaufman has built a case based on trivial anecdotes about how well one foreigner or another has received an Israeli dignitary. Even if such accounts were entirely true, we should read no more into them than the President of the United States praising the dear leader of North Korea one day, and damning him the next. Because these accounts take 80% of the space, we declare this much of the article to be irrelevant. That leaves us with a 20% slice on which to concentrate our attention.

The subjects that Kaufman discusses in that space, have to do with historical events. Given that the Jews are notorious mutilators of history, we can gauge the level of Kaufman's savagery by evaluating the way he treats history. Here is a condensed version of the relevant passages:

“In the Cold War, American presidents were desperate to appease the Arabs. In the Suez Crisis, President Eisenhower turned on his closest allies, Britain and France in an unsuccessful effort to win the favor of President Nasser of Egypt. American presidents were justified in their fears: Recall that OPEC seriously damaged the U.S. economy with an oil embargo in 1973, punishing America for [rescuing] Israel. For America, principled support of Israel often came with real costs attached. But there is no longer a USSR, and OPEC's power has been substantially diminished”.

What to make of this? Well, that is such a beastly mutilation of history, I want to be fair to Elliott Kaufman, and say he is not totally responsible for it. Other Jewish animals, too cowardly to show their faces, are hiding in some basement, and they keep coming up with rewrites of history to suit their current needs.

Here is the true chronology of the events Kaufman is describing on their behalf. Egypt revolted in 1952, kicked the king out of the country and declared itself a republic. In America, General Eisenhower that crushed the Nazi war machine a few years earlier, had just been nominated by the Republican Party to run for the presidency of the United States.

After an interim president (Mohamed Naguib) who governed Egypt for a few months, Nasser became president and declared Egypt's intention to build the Aswan project. In 1954, he asked the World Bank for a loan, but long-time politician John Foster Dulles who was Eisenhower's Secretary of State blocked the request. Nothing happened for the next two years till Nasser decided it was time to nationalize the Suez Canal, and use its revenues to build the Aswan project. That's when the two colonial powers, France and Britain, invited Israel to come along and see how Egypt can be made to suffer. The aggression took place in 1956.

And this is when Eisenhower intervened on behalf of Egypt. He did so on principle, the way he explained it to the French and the British. He told them he did not fight the Nazis to liberate them so that they do to others what the Nazis were doing to them. He told the aggressors to get the hell out of Egypt, and they did.

Now, my friend, contrast that real chronology against the way the beastly mutilators recount those events: “American presidents were desperate to appease the Arabs. In the Suez Crisis, Eisenhower turned on Britain and France to win the favor of President Nasser of Egypt. For America, principled support of Israel often came with real costs attached. But there is no longer a USSR, and OPEC's power has been substantially diminished”.

But there was no USSR influence in the Middle East at the time, and there was no OPEC power. In fact, Commander-in-Chief, General Eisenhower, having taken care of the military aggression, left it to the State Department to continue handling Egypt's request for a loan. When America did not reverse the decision to block the request, Egypt turned to the USSR for help. This happened towards the end of the decade when John Kennedy and Richard Nixon were already vying to replace Eisenhower.

Kaufman's performance is a product of the poison that's being drummed into the heads of the new generations. The young are made to absorb it without question because it comes woven with stories about the Holocaust, and with images that numb the young minds, preventing them from thinking normally.

It is clear that the Jewish establishment is raising a new generation of psychotic warriors who will stop at nothing whether armed with a pen or with a rifle.