Saturday, July 15, 2017

Clean Water for Jordan, Gutter Runoff for Israel

Here is a classic example as to why the Jews – as stated even by the wisest of their elders – cannot govern themselves. It is widely recognized that the Jews can only live a parasitic life, attached to a host. The worst part is that they convinced themselves they are the life force which sustains the hosts they abuse; therefore they make no effort to change.

This time, the story which tells the tale is that of water, the very ingredient that's essential for life to exist. The latest episode started to unfold almost four years ago when it was decided to construct a network of water desalination plants and pipelines. They were to turn the salty water of the Red Sea into fresh water, and transport it all across Jordan, Palestine and Israel.

At first, a desalination plant was to be built in Jordan under Jordanian jurisdiction. As to the network of pipelines, it was to be built in all three places under the three jurisdictions. The first phase of the project was to be completed this year, 2017. But guess what happened, my friend. Like every project that's undertaken in an Arab jurisdiction, the water desalination plant was completed in Jordan on time and on budget. As to the network of pipelines, it suffered the fate of every project in which Israel has a hand; it went nowhere.

Seth M. Siegel who fancies himself as an expert on water issues, wrote about the project when the decision to go ahead with it, was first announced almost four years ago. Siegel wrote about it again this week when it was announced that the project – which got bogged down for all that time – will finally get going.

There are two apparent reasons why the interest for the construction of the project was renewed in Israel. The first is that Jordan didn't wait for the Jews to start behaving like self-governing people, and went ahead with its plan to build the first of the desalination plants. It was inaugurated four months ago, on March 18 of this year.

The second reason for the renewed interest is that the American President, Donald Trump launched an effort to get the peace process going between the Palestinians and the Israelis. To that end, his mediating envoy got to work on establishing areas of cooperation that will help build confidence, persuade the Israelis to end the occupation, and sign a peace treaty with Palestine. The water project stood as ideal to do just that.

So far so good, but there is one problem for which President Trump and his envoy must find a solution in a hurry if they want their peace making effort to bear fruit. Whereas the Jordanians will fulfill their part of the bargain, build more desalination plants and enjoy the fresh water they will produce, the Israelis will behave as they always do, and will paralyze the part of the project that's under their control.

It is not too difficult to see how and why this will happen. We only need to look at the two articles that Seth Siegel wrote. They will convince anyone that the Jews are incapable of behaving like normal human beings when dealing with those who refuse to host them as parasitic entities. Unless America finds a way to force the Jews to change, and teaches them to live normal lives, the effort to broker a peace between them and the Palestinians will come to naught.

The January 7, 2013 article by Seth Siegel came under the title: “A Middle East Accord––No Diplomats Needed,” and the subtitle: Israelis, Palestinians and Jordanians agree on a project to address water scarcity.” It was published in the Wall Street Journal. Here is what Siegel said at the start: “The parties came to this agreement after years of quiet negotiations among themselves. No American or European Union diplomats prodded them along.” And here is what he said at the end of the article: “Anyone interested in peacemaking would do well to keep a close eye on the progress of the project”.

More than 4 years have passed and Jordan, working alone, produced clean water for its people. But what did Israel accomplish? To answer this question, we look at Siegel's July 13, 2017 article. It came under the title: “A Good Story About Israelis and Palestinians,” published in the New York Times. Despite that cheerful title, the Jewish author does not tell a real story, but runs off the mouth like the flushing of a toilet.

To blame the Jewish paralysis on the Palestinians, here is what Seth Siegel chose to say:

“The Palestinians decided to turn water into a political tool to bludgeon Israel. They claimed that Israel was starving them of water to oppress them and break their economy. The PA spoke of Israel's 'water apartheid,' To keep this manufactured crisis from being exposed as a sham, it was necessary to have Palestinian water projects grind to a halt. Palestinians were strongly discouraged from doing research or working on water projects with Israelis. They were told they would not get work from the PA unless they broke ties with the Israelis. The Palestinian Water Authority refused to meet with its Israeli counterpart in the Joint Water Commission”.

The trouble with all this is that the record is clear. When the Arabs do something without the Jews, they do it well; do it on time and on budget. The Jordanian desalination plant is an example of that. So is Egypt's widening of the Suez Canal as well as the Zohr natural gas field that is on track to deliver gas in November this year, scarcely two years after its discovery.

This is in contrast to Israel's Leviathan gas field that was discovered 7 years ago, and may not produce for another 10 years, if at all. Why is that? Because Israel got into disputes with just about everyone it dealt with, including its close American partners. And guess who Israel is blaming for the paralysis? You guessed it; everyone but itself.

The lesson for the Trump administration is that as long as Israel can rely on America to give it what it will not strive to give itself, Israel will not change. Therefore, to make the peace process bear fruit, America must cut off all aid to Israel till the occupation is ended, and a deal with the Palestinians is signed, sealed and delivered.

And watch that desalination/pipeline project being done in record time.