Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Adding a new Chapter to the Old Testament

There are two new pieces of evidence showing that among the mandates of the Jewish propaganda machine, there is one about writing a new chapter to add to the Old Testament. This is the Jewish equivalent of writing the first draft of history, which is something that the official and unofficial chroniclers of real history do.

The first piece of evidence that tells what the Jews are up to, is the mangled way that their media outlets both in Israel and America have been describing an incident that took place while President Trump was visiting occupied Palestine not long ago. They said that Netanyahu showed Trump a video about Abbas inciting the Palestinian public to commit violence. They went on to say that the American President was so deeply touched, he confronted Abbas with the truth, accusing him of trickery. And they capped it all by asserting that Trump angrily dressed down Abbas who was visibly shaken.

Well, my friend, this is the kind of stuff that blends nicely with stories written in the genre of the whale that swallowed a Hebrew prophet and regurgitated him alive on the beach days later. It is something like the story about parting the sea, letting the Jewish looters and murderers pass, and closing it to drown the cops that came after them. Or how about the story of the Moses snake that swallowed the Pharaoh's snake?

These stories are religious fantasies that were tailor-made to fit the Old Testament. So was the story about Donald Trump cocooning with Benjamin Netanyahu, to then have a tantrum confronting Mahmoud Abbas, thus scaring the stuffing out of him the way that the mighty Pharaoh of Egypt was scared when he lost his snake.

The second piece of evidence that tells what the Jews are up to, came under a title that says: “America's Future Is with India and Israel,” which is an article that was written by James Jay Carafano, and published on July 23, 2017 in The National Interest. The remarkable thing about this piece is that the writer draws no demarcation line between the reality of the events he describes as being historical facts, and the fantasies he imagines in fulfillment of the deep seated wishes he harbors. He navigates between one and the other; and sails through them both as if reality and fantasy were made of one and the same substance.

As indicated in the title of the article, Carafano asserts that reality is to the effect that the trio of America, India and Israel are natural allies that must take on the task of fixing the world. The trouble is that he does not believe this is true. And so, he blends the assertion with advice he gives about the need for the threesome to form such an alliance and go save the world.

Here is what Carafano says about India:

America needs to coordinate with India on how to respond to China. The Trump team needs new ideas … An initiative from India offers the U.S. another opportunity to help reset the global stage. India is an emerging economic power. For decades, India has had warm relations with Iran. India is principal investor in the Chabahar Port project in Iran. Delhi has not walked away from Tehran. Modi's visit to Iran last spring was carefully orchestrated. The Trump administration shows every sign of continuing the momentum toward a closer relationship with India. The recent meeting between Modi and Trump could not have gone better, and there is plenty of room to grow that relationship”.

And here is what he says about Israel:

“Before the trip to Israel there were signs Modi was broadening relationships in the region with Gulf countries as well as Israel. Trump also signaled he wants to be a friend to Israel. Few steps signal shifting strategic intentions more than multilateral dialogues. In that respect, a trilateral dialogue among India, the United States and Israel would draw the attention from friends and competitors. U.S. participation in this dialogue would demonstrate that the White House is thinking of the long bridge that spans U.S. interests across the Indian Ocean. Cyber will be a cornerstone of the U.S.-India strategic relationship. Already a small-cyber power punching above its weight, Israel fits in nicely between the interests and capabilities of the other two countries”.

We can see from these passages that India views itself as a superpower in the making. It is looking to draw smaller nations into orbit around it. What India is not doing, is seek to become a satellite around America, or heaven forbid, share an orbit with America around Israel. Carafano knows this as well as anyone.