Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Counseling America to make a Fool of itself

How would you like someone telling you what follows? I've been watching you for twenty-five years doing this thing the wrong way. Now that you've fallen on your face, let me tell you how you can do it the right way.

You'd tell him to take a hike; would you not? Well, that's what America needs to say to the likes of Robert Joseph who wrote: “The North Korean Nuclear Threat, and How to Address it,” an article that was published on July 3, 2017 in National Review Online. Clearly, the man is telling America to make a fool of itself.

Here is what Joseph says at the start of his article: “The Bush policy failed, the Obama policy failed, and there is no evidence to suggest that the emerging Trump policy will yield any different result.” And here is how he ends the article: “Twenty-five years of failed policy makes clear regime change is a prerequisite to ending the North Korean nuclear and missile program.” The trouble is that he doesn't say change the regime with what or with whom. And he doesn't say what will happen during the process of changing the regime. Will the move happen smoothly? Or will there be such upheaval as to trigger what is most feared about North Korea's nuclear arsenal?

This is not the first time someone has suggested a reversal of thinking with regard to the Korean issue. It happened previously as Joseph himself points out; but the reversal did not work. Here is what he says in that regard: “Ten years ago, the Bush administration reversed policy on North Korea, in return to what the president himself had declared to be a failed approach under his predecessor.” So why does Joseph believe his proposed new reversal will work?

The reality is that all the approaches that were adopted or suggested up to now, have had one thing in common ... the thing that guaranteed their failure. It is that they were brooded in the belly of a beast called double standard. And when you have that deficiency as the basis of a policy you want other nations to rally around and help you with, you're bound to fail. Some nations may join the move out of desperation, but they will most certainly distance themselves from it gradually and quietly as time passes.

Here is how an expression of the double standard sounds like: “North Korea is in a race to achieve the development of a nuclear-armed ICBM able to hold American cities hostage to deter us from coming to the support of our South Korean ally in the event of conflict on the peninsula. Three presidents have declared this outcome unacceptable, and have assured us it won't happen.” Have you detected the double standard?

Why assume at the outset that North Korea is so bad it does what it does to harm someone innocent rather than it is taking measures to protect itself? When you add to this inexplicable assumption the notion that you must punish North Korea by regime change or by other means to force it to disarm, you tell it and tell the world that you're the one harboring bad intentions. And that's the best way to convince your allies they should start distancing themselves from you.

And there is more because there is what gives the American double standard a racist tinge. It is the country's stance with regard to Israel's ambiguity concerning that entity's fictitious nuclear program. Everyone knows by now that this program is a hoax maintained by Israel to force America to lie about it, thus demonstrate to the world how tightly the Jews control America.

Aside from this charade having a juvenile quality, the double standard highlighted by it takes on a sickening dimension when you realize that the nations of the Middle East want their region to be declared nuclear-free. However, despite the fact that America has threatened Iran with all options being on the table in relation to its nuclear program, and despite the fact that it is now calling for the Korean Peninsula to be made nuclear free, America cannot bring itself to being consistent. That would be to publicly call on Israel to admit that it has no nuclear weapons, and to accept joining the effort of keep the Middle East free of nuclear weapons.

How to change this self-defeating mentality and start behaving in a way that will reassure humanity America is back to seeing the world and treating everyone in it the way it used to right after the Second World War?

The way to do it is for President Donald Trump to work with the big powers, with the nations of the Middle East and the nations of East Asia on declaring those two regions nuclear free. No one, not even Israel or its obedient American congress, can say no to that.