Friday, August 25, 2017

Example of a subtle demagogic Incitement

Something must have happened in the alignment of the planets for the editors of The Washington Times to come up with a piece like the one they did on August 13, 2017. The piece came under the title: “The demographic threat to the West” and the subtitle: “Muslim immigration threatens to change the European way of life”.

Up until now, advocating the need to maintain a society that's demographically inclusive of one kind of people, or exclusive of another kind, used to happen only in Israel. In fact, its leaders have continually talked in the past, and they continue to talk about maintaining Israel predominantly Jewish. They also talk about their fear of being overwhelmed by other religions, most especially Islam.

But even the Jews of Israel never mustered the audacity to tell other nations how to manage their demography, or what they should fear about the demographic changes that may come to their countries. This is not the case with the Jews of America, however, as demonstrated by the editorial piece in The Washington Times; a publication that is heavily influenced by Jews.

Mindful of what will happen if they openly advocate the curtailment of Muslim immigration into America, which is clearly their desire, those editors pushed the idea on the Europeans and then – in a burst of pure cowardice – added the following subtle point: “the European culture from which America sprang.” With this, they voiced their deep desire, believing they were shielded against the criticism they tried to evade by being devious.

These people did not just make the above statement and left it at that; they used the demagogic tools at their disposal to scare society about accepting Muslim immigrants into the country. To that end, they pointed to the few instances when a crazy Muslim committed an unsavory act, and made it sound that all Muslims are inclined to commit similar acts.

Were this a reality of the human character, we would believe that every gang of white kids would lasso a black man and drag him behind their car as it happened in America once. We would also believe that every white man in America would kill his black companion kid, cook him and eat him as it happened once. And we would believe that every Canadian farmer would kill dozens of women and sell their flesh as pork. That's in addition to believing that every bus rider on a Canadian highway would eat the face of a fellow traveler; do so in broad daylight and in full view of a horrified audience.

But, in reality, we do not believe in the absurd notion that if an individual commits a mindless act, he necessarily reflects what every member of the group to which he belongs will do. The reason why we do not believe in such absurdities is that we do not believe in any expression of demagoguery that is expressed by the Jews or any of the disciples they train.

Having done what they could to pit the readers against Islam, the editors of The Washington Times went on to demonstrate the depth of their ignorance. Here is a revealing passage:

“Islam is not a faith as faith is understood in the West. In some Islamic countries Islam is bequeathed at birth. It is often not a faith of the heart, but of law … Complicating assimilation, Muslim immigrants develop self-contained slums around urban centers, which become incubators of extremism”.

To fully appreciate how much in the dark these people are, we need only remember who instructed them on such matters. To this end, we go back in memory nine or ten years to a time when Barack Obama was running to be president. The self-declared experts on Islam – who happen to be Jews – warned that if elected, Barack Hussein Obama will be assassinated as soon as he takes office. That's because he was born a Muslim but left the faith, they explained. As it turned out, the man was elected; he served as president for eight years, and has remained alive to this day.

One more thing needs to be mentioned. It is not unusual for people who settle in a culture that's different from theirs, to huddle in ghettos. This has been the reality during the long history of Jewish sojourn in Europe. The difference between them and the Muslims of today is that the indigenous Europeans thought the Jews were so weird, they feared for their children. And so, they came up with stories known collectively as “blood libel” about Jews making bread with the blood of Christian children.

Something like this is not happening to Muslims today, and will never happen. The reasons why are easy to understand. First, the Muslims are not as mysterious as the Jews were then. Second, the Europeans have become a lot more civilized than they were at the time.