Thursday, August 17, 2017

From the Horse's Mouth to the Elephant's Ear

An idiom of the North American colloquial has it that when an authority on a subject says something, we say that it came from the horse's mouth. Another saying has it that if we express a desire that's never fulfilled; a sympathetic friend may wish that the desire go from our mouth to God's ear, for example.

Thus, the title of this piece seems at first blush to mean: let the expression out of the expert's mouth be heard by the elephant. Well, you'll soon discover that the reference to 'expert' is used here as a satire that refers (not to someone who knows what he's talking about but) someone that knows very little of what he's talking about. As to the elephant, it happens to be the symbol of the Republican Party in America.

This backgrounder should explain how I see the Clifford D. May article which came under the title: “In search of a grand U.S. strategy” and the subtitle: “Anti-extremists should hang together while Trump's advisers construct it.” It was published on August 15, 2017 in The Washington Times.

Here is Clifford May's saying you should think of as the relevant expression that was modulated by the horse's mouth: “These threats may appear distinct but, in fact, they are intertwined. China supports North Korea. Russia supports Iran. Iran and North Korea cooperate on missile programs and nuclear weapons”.

This is an admission that several events can happen simultaneously if and when they are planned for. It contradicts the heretofore Jewish assertion that events always happen randomly. In fact, the Jews used to hang on to this assertion because they said that to speak of planning has always meant that the Jews were conspiring. Thus even if the cause and the effect of an event were clearly shown to be linked, the Jews accused the person that dared to point this out of being antisemitic.

So why did the writer make that admission at this time? He made it because when a professional sees tributaries, he automatically starts to look for the single source that created them. There may not be one, but he must satisfy himself that he searched hard and found nothing. Clifford May failed to do this kind of search despite the fact that his project is billed as the search for a grand U.S. strategy.

Nevertheless, standing on that failure, he listed what he says are the trouble spots of the world. These being tributaries in search of a single source to claim their ownership, May attributed them to former President Barack Obama. But why was this necessary? It was necessary because the writer believes that America was anointed policeman of the world, and that Obama failed to discharge his duty. He is thus responsible for the chaos that's afflicting the world today, according to Clifford May.

This done, May expresses satisfaction that H.R. McMaster – the one individual that's reputed to be the most pro-Israel member in the Trump team – is working on a plan that will get America engaged in fixing the world. So we look at the trouble spots Clifford May has listed and find them to be the following:

North Korea is ruled by a dynastic dictator who has acquired nuclear weapons and missiles to deliver them.
Iran's rulers continue to chant “Death to America! [Death to Israel!]”
China's rulers have both regional and global ambitions.
– Various non-state actors conspire to destroy America both from without and from within.

Skeptical these are tributaries that can be blamed on Obama; we connect the dots to satisfy our curiosity. We ask: Why has America consistently failed to dissuade small nations from acquiring or trying to acquire nuclear weapons? The answer is that every time America made this suggestion, those who heard the message had a bellyful of laughs as they screamed in America's face: What about Israel?

We ask: Why do the Iranian masses sometimes chant: Death to America! Death to Israel! The answer is that they do because hardly a day goes by without the Jews inciting America to promise that all options are on the table, which is euphemism to mean America would wipe Iran off the face of the Earth to please the Jews.

We ask: Why have the rulers of China developed regional and global ambitions? The answer is that they have because the world has demanded it, having been disappointed by an America that is increasingly transforming from the shining light on the hill to the darkened cesspool at the bottom of the Jewish pit.

And we ask: What's the most important factor to have inspired non-state actors to come into being? The answer is that these characters were created by the Jewish establishment to go after their own governments so as to destroy Israel's neighbors from within. The kids tried to do that, but went after America as well because when you start something that is fundamentally irrational, you can never tell how it will evolve.

And so we conclude that the Jewish establishment, and not Barack Obama, is responsible for the mess that the world is in today.