Saturday, August 26, 2017

Get to know the original 'Axis of Evil'

Benny Avni wrote an article under the title: “Meet the new Axis of Evil,” and this compels me to tell the full story behind that expression. You can read the Avni article in the August 24, 2017 edition of the New York Post.

As to my story, it started decades ago when I was blacklisted around the end of the 1960s. In response, I could have chosen to do what most Arabs and non-Arabs did when they were hit with that same Jewish blight, and kept my mouth shut. Or I could have chosen to fight the Jewish beastly abomination of pretending to stand for free speech while blacklisting what did not suit them. I chose to fight back.

I started fighting at a time when there was no internet. I did it by sending my writings to every big and small publication, only to see that one in every two-dozen submissions was published by an editor that had not yet been visited by a Jewish thug or blackmailed into observing the boycott of me. This, however, did not mean the rest of my creations remained unused. Called missives, they were circulated among the Jewish mob and their barking disciples. They were mined by each low life thief of intellectual property, and used in their writings as if they were the creators and legitimate owners of the stolen ideas. And nobody outside the loop knew.

Believe it or not, this wasn't the worst that happened. Some people even suggested I should have been flattered to know that those who denied me the fruits of my creativity were the ones that ate the fruits. Perhaps. But what really hurt was the Jewish habit of stealing my ideas of praise for someone or criticism for another, and applying them in the reverse order.

One of those instances was the use of the word “axis.” I used it the first time during the Reagan era to refer to the New-York/Tel-Aviv Jewish alliance. Even though the Reagan speechwriters were heavy miners of my ideas, they never stole that specific word. This happened later during the George W. Bush era when it was used as “Axis of Evil” to mean Iraq, Iran and North Korea, even though the three countries were not allied, nor were they communicating with each other.

Originally, the word was used during the Second World War to refer to the “Forces of the Axis” that brought together Germany, Italy and Japan. A few more nations joined later. They were opposed to the Forces of the Alliance which brought together the United States, the Soviet Union, the nations of the British Commonwealth and others. In time, the words “Alliance” and “Coalition” came to mean the forces on the good side of the war. As to the word “Axis,” it came to mean the forces on the bad side of the war. And so I used the word Axis as a pejorative term to mean that the New-York/Tel-Aviv Jewish alliance was a bad thing.

I must now digress for a moment to tell of a subplot that's related to the main plot. The time was the mid-1970s, and there was a woman named Barbara Frum on CBC radio, hosting a show called “As It Happens.” There was also the first serious Israeli incursion into Lebanon. Barbara Frum was fair to both sides; conducting balanced interviews and passing minimum judgment on either side. I wrote a piece praising her, and it was circulated inside the loop but never published. Shortly thereafter, the CBC brass rewarded her with the prestigious post of hosting a panel right after the nightly news on CBC television. From what I know now, she appreciated me, and was saddened that she could not interview me or praise me publicly because of the blacklist.

As it happens, Barbara Frum had a son named David Frum. I don't know how much he knows of the story I just related, but I later learned he became speechwriter for George W. Bush. I saw him on television a few times and read a few of his writings, but I must say he is not “like mother like son.” In time I learned that he was the one that used the word “axis” in an expression that was later modified to sound, “Axis of Evil”.

What tells me David Frum consciously stole the idea from my writing is that he lied about the way it came to him. He says he got it from reading a Roosevelt speech in which the American President referred to the forces of the Axis. Well, that's how they were referred to at the time, and not in a pejorative way. It was their proper name, and nothing more. The term became an insult much later on, and was used pejoratively ever since … as I did.

Another thing that tells me David Frum consciously stole my intellectual property and lied about it, is that he formulated not “Axis of Evil” but “Axis of Hate.” As it happened, any criticism I leveled against Israel at the time, was called hateful speech by the Jewish establishment. Because nobody spoke of hateful speech during World War Two, or in connection to the fictitious alliance between Iraq, Iran and North Korea, it can only be that David Frum was thinking of my writing when he coined Axis of Hate; the expression that later became Axis of Evil.

Now, by all means my friend, go ahead and read the Benny Avni article, and laugh your head off at those Jews who go to the same well over and over again even after it dries. And they do more than that. They keep chewing on the same piece of bone whether you throw it to them or they steal it from you.

Theirs is a pitiful existence that doesn’t get better.