Saturday, February 24, 2018

A modern devious Strategy to sucker America

Why did America win the war against the two most formidable war machines of the Second World War – Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan – but was brought to a standstill by North Korea's ill equipped army a few years later, and lost decisively to the ragtag army of North Vietnam a few more years after that?

The reason is that America's involvement in World War II was an honest act that did not have to be labeled self-defense, whereas America's operations against North Korea and North Vietnam were devious acts conducted under the false pretense of self-defense – meaning America's defense and that of its allies. It is that America was attacked at Pearl Harbor by a Japan that was already committing much evil in Asia; and called to help liberate a European continent that had succumbed to an evil force it could not defeat by itself.

Realizing how much Britain was diminished by the war, and seeing how America had become a rising power, Britain's Winston Churchill incited America's leaders to prepare for a quixotic battle against an enemy that simply did not exist in the aftermath of World War Two. Still, Churchill managed to instill in the minds of the American leaders and their successors, the false impression that a communist domino effect headed by the Soviet Union will sweep Asia and the rest of the world, including America, which it wants to destroy.

This is why America got involved in Korea where the Chinese communists were helping the North in its effort to unify the country. The same scenario was later repeated in Vietnam when the French said they could not stop the anti-colonial revolutionary forces that were sweeping the country. In both cases America was under the illusion that the self-determination expressed by the people in those places, constituted a threat to its own existence. And it was this belief that caused America to view its involvement in those countries as a war of self-defense. The thing is that the American narrative remained the same even after the evidence came out to the effect that such fears were baseless.

Thus, whereas North Korea and North Vietnam adopted the honest strategy of steadfast resistance, America adopted the devious strategy of pretending to liberate and democratize the people of the region when in fact it was fighting the Soviet Union in accordance with Churchill's instructions. This is why America lost big.

Now, decades later, that same scenario is repeating itself in that America was called upon to support the colonial aspirations of the Jews whose plan is to have Israel dominate the Middle East. This struggle is still ongoing, and you can get a sense of the effort that the Jews are putting into it by reading the editorial which came in the Wall Street Journal under the title: “Iran's Syrian Front” and the subtitle: “Assad's atrocities grow as Tehran builds a new anti-Israel satellite.” It was published on February 22, 2018 in the Journal.

Replaying the role of Churchill who demagogued the Soviet Union, the Jews are now demagoging Iran and Russia. And this is how they are doing it: “Iran, along with Russia are largely responsible for the survival of [Assad's regime.] The trio will use peace talks to re-establish Assad's control over Syria. Russia will keep its military bases, and Iran wants to establish a new imperial outpost on the border with Israel”.

Thus, in the same way that America helped liberate its European allies, the Jews have been trying to make it sound like America and Israel were allies in the fight against a common enemy that the Jews were never able to clearly identify or even define. And so they stuck with the mantra that America and Israel are friends, and that Israel is facing an existential threat. The conclusion being that America must continually help Israel stay afloat; and when it gets into trouble, America must rush to rescue it.

The Jews are saying that this moment has come. Because they called on America to help many times before, and because their plea increasingly falls on deaf ears in Washington, they have now changed the way they call on America to help. Their new approach uses a more subdued and subtle presentation. Mind you, it is still a devious approach, but it's the only way they know how to get America involved in a Middle Eastern war again.

Here is how the Wall Street Journal ends its editorial:

“If the Trump Administration is worried about the gathering storm, you can't tell from its actions. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson toured the region and called for a 'whole and independent Syria with no demarcations dividing it.' Mr. Trump promised to work with allies to counter Iran's 'support for proxies in the region,' but the U.S. has shown no strategy for doing so. Meanwhile, an Iran-Israel conflict grows more likely by the day”.

With the use of the term “gathering storm” of “Shock and Awe” fame; with the reminder that Tillerson is resisting the colonial project of truncating Syria; with the reminder that Trump promised to work with allies (such as Israel) but has not done so, and with the subtle blackmail that Israel will start a war aimed at dragging America into it, the Jews of the Wall Street Journal are hoping to duplicate the Churchill ruse of keeping it at war for another three quarters of a century or longer.

With friends like these, who needs enemies?