Sunday, February 25, 2018

How they wrap the Truth in Layers of Lies

The most truthful of all the sciences is mathematics. That's because to construct a theorem, you begin with one or more postulates that are simple and demonstrably true. You go from there to build evermore complex mathematical theorems that do not violate any of the postulates with which you began.

This method can be duplicated when doing the hard sciences, even the humanities. We must however, be conscious that it is not always easy to find irrefutable postulates with which to begin a theorem outside the mathematics. But this doesn't mean we cannot rely on the method to arrive at close-to-perfect conclusions; it means we must be humble not to be absolutely certain we have the ultimate truth in science or the humanities.

How can we use that method to determine responsibility for the suffering caused by an ongoing war? We begin with the postulate that a war is prolonged, and the suffering is increased when the force level of the two sides locked in a dispute are matched. It also means that if the force level of one side is so high that it can overwhelm and annihilate the other side, the war will end quickly and the suffering eliminated.

With this in mind, we look at the example of an analysis done by Jonathan S. Tobin about the Syrian civil war. It is an article that came under the title: “Don't Expect Justice for the Syrian War Criminals,” published on February 23, 2018 in National Review Online. In the article, Tobin apportions responsibility for the war and for the ensuing suffering, not based on a self-evident postulate or one that can be verified, but on the postulate which says: Ultimate good is what serves the interests of Israel; ultimate evil is what does not.

To that end, Tobin distributes most of the responsibility on Syria's Bashar Assad and Hezbollah as well as “the rulers of Iran and the Putin regime in Moscow.” But that's not all because in his view, some responsibility falls on the shoulder of those who could have intervened years ago to stop the war but neglected to do so. To make that point, Tobin said the following:

“The opening for Russia and for Assad to butcher civilians was the work of Obama. It was he who warned Assad that his use of chemical weapons would be a red line, but then backed down. This does not get Trump off the hook. The fact that Syria has become the focal point for an Iranian effort to create another frontline threat to Israel is now Trump's problem to solve”.

The implied postulate here is that if Obama had bombed Syria when it was accused of using chemical weapons, the war would have ended and the suffering stopped there and then. But Trump did send five-dozen Tomahawk missiles into Syria, and the war has continued to rage more intensely than before. If anything, this shows that the postulate which says you can end the war by escalating the fight without annihilating the other combatant is a mistaken postulate.

To get a feel for how enormous Jonathan Tobin's error in logic has been, note the chronology of what happened here: (1) Obama warned Assad not to use chemicals; (2) Assad used chemicals; (3) Obama backed down; (4) the war continued at the same level; (5) Trump bombed Syria; (6) the war intensified; (7) Tobin says Obama should have bombed Syria earlier to end the war. Conclusion: Jews are severely handicapped when it comes to grasping temporal relations and the understanding of history. And yet, they want you to believe they are the greatest historians that history has ever produced. Go figure.

And when someone is handicapped to that extent, he makes the kind of mistakes you see in the following passage: “While the world obsesses over other conflicts –– in particular the one going on between Israel and the Palestinians, which hasn't produced a fraction of the suffering that has taken place in Syria –– the slaughter in Syria continues without the international community paying attention”.

If Tobin had a sense of history, he would have known that life unfolded peacefully in most colonies because the balance of power was overwhelmingly tilted in favor of the colonial powers that had the guns. Their settlers subdued and/or annihilated their victims who had nothing with which to defend themselves but bare hands, stones, slingshots and the occasional knife to scare heavily armed foreign savages.

Whereas the colonies of yesteryear were eventually liberated by the oppressed when help came to them from the outside, Palestinians (excluding Gaza’s) have not been able to adequately fight the foreign savages in their midst because the Jews saw to it that America devoted its honor as well as its financial and political capital to make sure that the Palestinians of the West Bank will never get off from under the American supplied boots of the Jewish animals crushing them.

And then you see Jonathan Tobin summon the temerity to lament as follows:

“Those who let Iran and Russia win the war for Assad are in no position to complain when those same powers stonewall a tribunal that will be charged with applying international law to what happened in Syria. We also know that as long as the U.S. and the West continue to act as if what happens in Syria doesn't matter, the murderers will never be brought to justice”.

All of that is conjecture designed to slander people and institutions based on events that have not happened. Meanwhile what we know has happened is that if America had one iota of honor, the entire ruling class in Israel would be behind bars today … as ordered by the International Criminal Court.