Tuesday, February 20, 2018

They sneer at her; they sneer at America

Joseph Goebbels was the master of propaganda in the Third Reich. Despite the ignoble position he occupied, people around the world respected him because he represented a government whose war machine was second to none. This situation lasted till the Reich's military was defeated by the combined forces of the allied nations and their foreign legions.

After the defeat of the Reich, America emerged as the leading military power in the world and has retained that position ever since. It is now several orders of magnitude more powerful than the Third Reich ever was. In addition, America began its tenure as the dominant power not only as a military superpower but also a force for good in the world. And yet, despite all this, there are moments today when the world cannot help but sneer at America. Why is that?

The reason is that a movement started in America half a century ago that culminated in horrible things happening such as the appointment of Nikki Haley ambassador to the United Nations, who is now the face representing America in world forums. Looking at her antics, the world sees the dark side of a system of governance that's able to defend itself against external threats, but remains defenseless when faced with the stealthy intrusion of elements determined to degenerate America by chewing at its moral fiber from the inside.

The world sneered at Nikki Haley when immediately after her appointment she rushed to stand before the international delegates to the United Nations, and verbalized the proclamation that was written for her by the speechwriters of the worldwide Judeo-Israeli crime syndicate. She repudiated what her country had done at an earlier time when it refrained from vetoing a resolution that would have condemned Israel for its beastly behavior.

When Haley went on to promise that such act of nobility on the part of America will never happen again as long as she is there, she informed the world that when looking at her to see the face of America, it will instead be seeing the monstrous creation of demons in charge of the New-York/Tel-Aviv axis of cultural pestilence. And the world never ceased to sneer at Nikki Haley from that day forward. In so doing, it also sneers at America herself.

Unfazed by the destruction she brings to America's credibility and its standing in the world every time that she expresses the Jewish point of view pretending it is America's, Nikki Haley went on to sign an article that was written by others. It came under the title: “The U.N.'s Uncomfortable Truths About Iran,” and was published in the New York Times on February 18, 2018.

Using the Jewish formula of attributing to others the sins of the Jews, Nikki Haley attributed to Iran the sins of Israel. They would be the sort of complaints that come before the UN Security Council prompting the sort of resolutions that Haley promised she'll veto to protect Israel from the wrath of humanity.

For example, instead of saying that Israel is violating just about every international law in the books, Nikki Haley says that “Iran is violating its international agreement.” Instead of saying that Israel has created the world's worst humanitarian crisis in Gaza, she says that “Iran has created the world's worst humanitarian crisis in Yemen.” Instead of saying that Israel keeps bombing neighbors that cannot defend themselves, she says that Iran “launches missiles into Saudi Arabia.” And so on and so forth.

Moreover, as if to give credence to the saying, “different strokes for different folks,” Nikki Haley mentions a UN report that reproaches Iran for committing a minor violation as compared to what Israel commits on a regular basis. The report says that Iran sold weapons to others when it should not have, and Haley seized on it, trying to make big hay. By contrast, numerous UN reports have said that Israel regularly commits crimes against humanity whereupon people such as John Bolton get to work on reversing the findings; or at least making the story sound like the findings were recanted.

Haley's reaction to the UN report being the condemnation of what amounts to an Iranian parking violation while absolving Israel's numerous hit-and-run offenses in which people get killed, you wonder what the puppet masters of Nikki Haley are up to now. You look into her article and find that they are still preoccupied with the Iran nuclear deal.

Haley says that Iran's bad behavior has intensified since the signing of that deal, suggesting that the world should concentrate on nixing it. And that happens to be priority number one in Israel's genocidal agenda, which is why no one in the world is listening, and America is paying the price.