Thursday, February 15, 2018

One Man's Dumbo is another Man's God

When the thuggish members of a consummate crime syndicate take control of the police force that's supposed to clean-up the world of crime and criminals, you have the image of an Israel whose Jewish lobby in America has taken control of the superpower that used to fancy itself as policeman of the world.

What the syndicate does in America is run the pro-Israel operations like a criminal underground business. However, having a polished facade above ground for doing public relations, the syndicate manages to make the criminal undertakings look like legitimate everyday American operations.

In fact, the primary function of the above ground operation – which is manned by a virulent mob of Jewish pundits – is to spin all acts committed by the underground in such a way as to make them look like business as usual, even heroic acts that protect humanity from what could become calamitous moments if left alone. But the reality of the situation is nothing of the sort. It is that the goons operating under the umbrella of the mob create mountains out of molehills to scare their audiences. They do so by slandering innocent people, attributing to them the evil they see in themselves and their Jewish brethren.

You can see how all this comes together in the article that came under the title: “Why peace can't be processed now,” written by Clifford D. May who is president of a farcical foundation pretending to defend the now extinct democracies. The article was published on February 13, 2018 in The Washington Times.

You'll find that Clifford May has followed the Jewish pattern of pointing to an event that just happened, and calling it proof that the Jews were correct all along in whatever they said and did. Look how he did it this time, and marvel at his ingenuity because it is nothing short of wondrous:

“A Palestinian leader shaking hands with an Israeli leader is inconceivable for the foreseeable future. One reason became vivid when Iranian forces launched a drone into Israeli airspace. An Israeli helicopter downed it. Israel sent F-16s to destroy the Iranian command center in Syria. One of the jets was [shot down.] No Palestinian leader condemned this provocation. No Palestinian leader has ever condemned Tehran, whose intentions toward Israel are openly annihilationist”.

That is, the Jews want the whole world, including the Palestinians they have been killing and robbing for half a century the way that savage beasts do things – to shed tears for them every time they send a warplane to bomb someone, and the thing is shot down. Failing to shed tears for Israel, says Clifford May, proves that the Palestinians are annihilationists … no different from the Iranians.

At this point I must tell a story I have not been able to verify; so make of it what you want. It happened between 25 and 30 years ago that someone approached Elie Wiesel and asked him if he would debate me. Wiesel said he will not because I was a Holocaust denier. But they pointed out I never denied the Holocaust, and he said I never condemned those who deny it either. And that, in his eyes, makes me a denier too. You can detect a similar kind of mentality powering both Clifford May and Elie Wiesel.

According to this mentality, everyone that does not condemned the Syrians for shooting down an Israel warplane that's bombing them; and everyone that does not condemn the deniers of the Holocaust, are annihilationists and deniers of a truth they do not bother to verify before denying it. Well then, what these two are saying is that 7 billion of us on this planet are terrible people.

Because the Jews think of us as such, they have never been able to get along with any of us in 4,000 years. They always found a fault in everyone they met, and used it as excuse to prevent a normal relationship from developing between them and any another group.

They are behaving the same way now with the Palestinians because they don't want to live with them. Instead, they want to rob them of the little they have left, and force them out of the land on which they lived since the beginning of time. You can see this mentality at work in Clifford May’s concluding statement:

“After 60 days, there are to be elections [in Palestine]. As has been the pattern in the Middle East for centuries –– power is taken by force of arms, who is likely to prevail? Hamas? Hezbollah? Other Jihadi groups? For those in the Trump administration focused on the Palestinian-Israeli conflict the task now is to work with Saudi Arabia and other Sunni Arabs to determine whether it may be possible to develop a next generation of Palestinian leaders who are open to conflict resolution”.

Let me ask you a question, my friend. Have you ever seen this much ignorance, unfitness and hypocrisy packed inside a single person? Go over his conclusion again, and try to delineate the points he is making.

First he imagines that the election of a people under occupation unfolds the same way as that of a free people. Second, he says that power in the Middle East has always been taken by force of arms. Third, he says that the only way Israel will consider ending the occupation is if the Palestinians learned the art of conflict resolution from the people that always changed government by force of arms.

If you think that Jews of the Clifford May caliber are dumb, what do you think of a Congress that believes they are gods?