Saturday, February 3, 2018

Misplaced Anger motivated by male Cowardice

Wesley Pruden says he is worried about America going the way of Rome and Greece. He blames the women's movement and the current manifestation of Black activism for weakening the American Republic. To expand on his point of view, he wrote: “The deadly ignorance on the road to Rome,” an article that was published on February 1, 2018 in The Washington Times.

From the looks of it, Wesley Pruden has two problems. He doesn't know the ancient history of Greece or Rome, and he is confused about the modern history of the American Republic. The fact is that Greece fell because it overextended itself when the men started wars they could not finish. In fact, the women warned the men against engaging in this kind of foolishness, and when the men ignored the warnings, the women had no choice but to retreat to the island of Lesbos where they made love to each other. How could this have been responsible for the demise of Greece? Pruden is not telling.

There was a time when an idea was circulating to the effect that it was the women who started denying the men the sex “they owed them,” an act that forced the men to spend their energies fighting other men. But this claim was never taken as proof that Greece fell because of it. In fact, the only thing that came from that era, hinting at what could have happened, was a stage play called Lysistrata. It was written by Aristophanes, a male who imagined that the women could stop the men from going to war if they denied them sex. Thus, the truth according to Aristophanes was that the wars came first, and the denial of sex came in response.

And so, when you contrast that episode of Greek history with what happened in America, you'll find that the protest against the Vietnam War – staged as it was by the twentieth century boys and girls of the American Republic – coincided with the full flowering of the sexual revolution and the start of the Age of Aquarius. And you can be certain that nobody who wanted sex at the time was denied it.

As to what happened in ancient Rome, the revolt of the slaves that was started by Spartacus, ended badly, having accomplish very little. After a few initial battlefield successes, the former slave lost the final battle against the Roman army, and most of his followers were caught and crucified. Rome remained whole for a long period of time after that – long enough to foolishly overextend itself and, like Greece, fall as a result.

By contrast, it happened that America was infiltrated by a mob of oversexed parasites that sent America's nativist men to fight in far away wars they could not win. In the interim, the parasites married their women in their own homes, and raped those that refused to submit to their advances. And while all of this was taking place, the parasites worked to change the laws of the land, creating a condition in which everyone adhered to the rule of law except members of the parasitic mob who were placed above the law and beyond its reach.

You get a sense of all that when you delve into the Wesley Pruden article. He says that the slogan of an earlier era, “Black is beautiful” was accurate then, but has now given way to “Black Lives Matter,” which he doesn't like, he says, because lives of all colors matter, despite what anyone says. He also complains about the transformation of the feminist movement that used to pose as “intensive-care nurses” for men. He says the movement has now adopted the slogan “Me, too,” which does nothing more than create opportunities for idle lawyers to get busy taking up the cause of every woman that was ever “whistled at, winked at or subjected to coarse woo”.

Pruden did not explain how any of that will cause America to fall, and yet prescribed an antidote to save the Republic from such fate. The remedy that America needs, he says, is a dose of “nationalism” or if you prefer another word, “patriotism.” He explained what that is by quoting definitions conjured up by other writers, but neglected to mention the role that the mob of oversexed parasites is contributing to the destruction of America.

Perhaps Wesley Pruden should have consulted another article before writing his own. That one was published in the Wall Street Journal also on February 1, 2018 under the title: “The IRS Campaign Against Israel––and Us,” and the subtitle: “It took seven years for Z Street to learn the truth about why our tax-exempt status was delayed.” It was written by Lori Lowenthal Marcus who is the founder of Z Street.

This outfit is only one in the multitude of foundations that operate in America under the tax-exempt provisions, and serving the interests of Israel. Whether the outfits spend the money in America or Israel, the beneficiary is always Israel on whose behalf the mob of oversexed parasites is also working.

When you go through the Marcus article looking for the kind of nationalism or patriotism that Wesley Pruden is describing, you find none but find the following instead:

“I founded Z Street to educate Americans about the Middle East and Israel's defense. We applied for tax-exempt status. The application languished. So in August 2010 we sued the IRS for violating Z Street's First Amendment right to be free from viewpoint discrimination. Three other Jewish organizations were asked by the IRS to 'explain their religious beliefs about the Land of Israel.' We believe Jews should be allowed to live beyond the Green Line. We fought in the courts for seven years. If my husband and I weren't lawyers, there's no way we could have succeeded. When Z Street's creation was announced, thousands sought to join”.

Do these people sound like they are American patriots? Of course not. So why is it that Wesley Pruden and other nativist American males blame everyone and everything for America's ills without mentioning the true culprits who are the Jews? Is it because they are cowards?