Saturday, July 14, 2018

A Jewish Ventriloquist and his American Dummy

The Jews continue to play the role of ventriloquist, trying to get the American dummy to lip-synch their words. But while the lips of the dummy are moving, the voice of the ventriloquist remains muted to almost inaudible.

This time, the ventriloquist that's pushing his luck, is Evan Gottesman. He wrote “Trump Hasn't Learned from Obama's Mistakes on Middle East Peace,” an article that also came under the subtitle: “Trump wants a big political win in Israel and Palestine, but it didn't work when Obama tried to hammer out a grand bargain.” It was published on July 11, 2018 in the National Interest.

Evan Gottesman's message to Donald Trump is this: With regard to the occupation of Palestine by the armed Jewish gangs America finances and protects to its detriment, do as I tell you, which means do nothing. Heed my words, Donald, because if you don't, and you try to do something, you'll be doing what Barack Obama always wanted. And he is the man you hate so much; remember? Besides, you'll fail the way that he did.

Hanging on to the Jewish philosophy that has served them well––as evidenced by their success at maintaining the American ship of state dead in the water while they unload its content onto the pirate ships of Israel––the Jews are trying to repeat that performance by maintaining the situation in the Middle East in the paralysis mode. The Jews resort to this technique while waiting for something to happen that’ll give them the opportunity to grab more of what belongs to the Palestinians. Not only do they grab what's not theirs, they want to make it look like America helped them do it. What follow are Evan Gottesman's thoughts in condensed form:

“The Trump administration is poised to unveil its program [for ending the occupation of Palestine]. Rushing into final status negotiations would be catastrophic. Negotiations are bound to fail. Nonetheless, the U.S. cannot withdraw from the issue altogether. Doing nothing can be as harmful as failure. Specific sub-issues must be addressed first. For instance, the deteriorating humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip. The Arab countries have a role to play and should pay, but if the U.S. wants to take the lead, it cannot expect others to foot the bill entirely. America can start by releasing the USAID budget for the West Bank and Gaza. On the diplomatic front, articulate a political horizon. As long as the administration waffles on the specifics, the Palestinians will doom the process. Mahmoud Abbas has yet to set out a successor. Until he does, issues will be mired in uncertainty. Trump must ensure that after Abbas, the PLO does not withdraw from the Oslo Accords. Preventing this may require targeted pressure against Palestinian leaders”.

When something is anticipated, the Jews employ their mastery at using speculation preemptively to position themselves in such a way as to benefit to the maximum no matter which way the anticipated event comes out. That's what Gottesman is doing with his article. In fact, what he wants to see happen is what the Jews have wanted to see happen for decades.

That is, they wanted (1) recognition of Israel and full normalization of relations by the majority of Arab countries; (2) no deal with the Palestinians that would return the land and properties they stole from them; (3) the continued American involvement in a never ending peace process – a situation that will allow them to continually suck America's blood; (4) mindful of the saying that if you break it you own it, the Jews want the Arabs and the Americans to rescue Gaza before it breaks, a situation that will make them responsible for pushing that hapless place to the edge of catastrophe; (5) they want the successor to Mahmoud Abbas to be someone they can put in their back pocket. And they want America to help in this regard.

Because the Trump administration has managed to prevent leaks about its plan for the Middle East from seeping through, Evan Gottesman has used a writing technique that makes it sound like the American dummy was unable to speak temporarily. So, he made his own words sound like they could have been America’s. He hopes the brainless Congress will get confused and continue to serve Israel. He also wants the Jewish American rank-and-file to believe that this is America's position, thus be motivated to call their representatives and urge them to stay the course. Gottesman also wants the players in the Middle East to believe that such is America's wish, and that Donald Trump will use his powers to make it come true. And this is how everyone is made to hear the muted voice of the dummy.

That’s the steady kind of wishful thinking emanating from the Judeo-Israeli quarters these days. But it's all in vain because the time has come for these people to be held to account for what they have been doing.