Thursday, July 26, 2018

America's Congress, the Epitome of Uselessness

When Hitler annexed the Sudetenland, and when he later attacked Poland, implementing a diabolic plan to sweep across Europe, he established what was known as a fait accompli. Humanity rejected this kind of behavior and mobilized to fight Hitler and destroy his regime.

Now that the Jews are doing the same thing in the Middle East via the entity they call Israel, they changed the nomenclature to fool the useless simpletons of the American Congress and get them to endorse the Jewish criminal behavior to the hilt. The Jews don't call that kind of aggression fait accompli anymore; they call it reality. They hammered their logic into the empty skulls of those in charge of America's governance and taught them to defend their idiocy by claiming that they are doing nothing worse than “recognize reality”.

That, in fact, is the method by which the Jews convinced the lost minds of the American congress to accept as legitimate Israel's theft of East Jerusalem from its Palestinian owners. It is also how they are preparing the same body of lost minds to repeat the performance and accept as legitimate Israel's theft of the Western Golan Heights from their Syrian owners.

Benny Avni is recounting this story as part of a larger one he is telling in the column he wrote under the title: “Russia just proved it doesn't have control in Syria,” published on July 24, 2018 in the New York Post. In case you wonder why Avni pressed his editor not to change that title; it is that the Jewish establishment doesn't want it known that Russia's Putin refused to exercise the influence he has in Syria and help Israel. This happened despite the fact that Netanyahu went to Russia more than half a dozen times and licked the boots of a dozen Cossacks each time he went there but failed to impress Putin.

You get a sense of what the larger story is about from reading the first sentence in the Avni column. It goes like this: “If the Tehran-Washington war of words gives way to conventional war, the Golan Heights might be the battlefield.” A few paragraphs later, Avni explains: “...the Syrian side of the Golan Heights where now, aided by Russia and Iran, Assad is completing his victory”.

Later still, Avni let out the fake lamentation: “Moscow intervened to save Assad but is clearly now in over its head,” then almost immediately after that, Avni shot himself in the foot by blurting a lie that contradicts what he tried to accomplish up to now. Here is that big lie: “The Russians reportedly offered to keep Iran some 60 miles away from Israel”.

Believing that it's not enough to preemptively shift the blame for the crisis that is sure to come, from the Jews to the Russians as he already did, Benny Avni decided to lump the Americans with the Russians, and blame them as well. This is what he did: “In Washington, meanwhile, Trump aides are, as on all fronts, divided.” But all is not lost in the eyes of the Jews because in America, they hold the ace card that can trump even Trump's White House. That card is none other than the epitome of American uselessness, the Congress of the United States.

This is how Benny Avni made that revelation: “A capitol Hill initiative to recognize Israel's sovereignty over the Golan Heights, which it has since 1973 and annexed in 1981, is gaining momentum”. Woah! Before I go any further, let me correct Avni's knowledge of the Golan's history. Israel captured all of the Golan (East and West) in 1967. Syria retook the Eastern part (the province and town of Quneitra) in 1973. This left Israel with only the Western part of the Golan it has been occupying since 1967.

More ignorant than his Jewish master about what is fiction and what is not in the history of the Middle East, a “senior Republican congressional staffer” told Benny Avni: “Fiction can be useful in diplomacy, but once it stops being useful there's no reason to keep it up,” so says Benny Avni.

Well, my friend, there is no avoiding telling it like it is. By his reporting, Benny Avni has unveiled the solemn duty he has as a pundit to name the senior Republican congressional staffer who made that remark. Avni has such duty because the public has the right to know who in the Congress “stopped being useful,” a reason big enough not to keep that man or woman on the payroll much longer.

And when the individual is sent to pasture, Benny Avni will see the light and take back his own remark. It’s the one that goes: “The least we can do is give Israel all rhetorical, diplomatic and military help [it wants]”. Not so.