Friday, July 27, 2018

Subhuman Reasoning from out of this World

What's the difference between the enlightened and rational people, and the callow and confused people?

The difference can be explained by comparing the following two examples:

First, delegates from around the world gather at the UN Human Rights Council. Most of them see the world as it is, describe it the way they see it, draw conclusions that enjoy the support of the majority, formulate policies accordingly and implement them the best they can. These are the enlightened and rational people.

Second, a couple of those delegates see the world through the prism of their fantasy, describe a setting that does not exist, draw false conclusions that enjoy no one's support, and try to implement policies that rub salt in the wounds of the already victimized. These are the callow and confused people.

The people in the first category are ordinary human beings living everywhere on Planet Earth, including America and a few places in Israel. But how do you know they are enlightened and rational people? You know they are because if you ask them: What do you call the presence of Israeli troops in Palestine? They answer: we call it the occupation of Palestine by the regime that's governing in Israel.

As to the people in the second category, they are politicians of the so-called democracies, as well as their master puppeteers and confused followers. Their thinking is not shaped by the principle of the moral life, or even the mundane life. Rather, their thinking is shaped by the need to sell their soul to the highest bidder in the hope this will help them get elected. If you ask them whether or not they consider the presence of Israeli troops in Palestine an occupation, they protest that you dare asking such question, and accuse you of antisemitism.

The enlightened and rational delegates at the UN Human Rights Council have no illusions about the state of the human condition. They see horror committed by people against people in Latin America, Asia, the Middle East, the United States of America, Europe and just about everywhere in the world. None of them claims to be “holier than thou” and so, they all work together for the common good. They tell of their own shortcomings, compare them with those of others, debate possible solutions and pledge to do the best they can to improve the situation for those who suffer. And they do make progress year after year.

While this is happening, the only place where demonic horror is committed by one kind of people (Jews) against another kind of people (Christians and Muslims) is Israel where the government implements a long range genocidal policy, deliberately disguised as apartheid so that critics talk about the apparent apartheid instead of talking about the reality of genocide. As to the place where the rulers of Israel find support and encouragement; it is among the American politicians who promise to sell their souls if elected, and deliver when they are.

That demonic behavior is not something peculiar to modern Jews. It has been their legacy since ancient times; the reason why they suffered hugely throughout time, everywhere they went on the planet. Their behavioral pattern never changes, thus remains predictable. They get into a new community; they do well initially, and when people discover what they are up to, seek to solution them out of existence. Thus, the nagging question: Why can they not see it coming, and stop doing what they do?

You get an answer to this question when you go over the article that came under the title: “Moral clarity becomes a casualty of the need to placate tyrants,” an article that was written by Ed Feulner and published on July 23, 2018 in The Washington Times. What you'll see throughout the article is an Alice in Wonderland sort of situation where everything is turned upside down.

What follows is a condensed version of what Ed Feulner has written about the speech that Nikki Haley gave at The Heritage Foundation with regard to America's decision to quit the UN Human Rights Council:

“We've seen the Council allow membership to some abusers while criticizing Israel. And so Nikki Haley came to The Heritage Foundation to elaborate on the reasons the U.S. withdrew from the Council. The U.N. was founded to promote peace and security based on justice, equal rights, and the self-determination of people, Ms. Haley pointed out. Unfortunately, thanks to the presence of some members, it falls short of this goal. The result? Well-meaning members adopt a position of neutrality. Today, the Council includes some of the worst human rights violators – Cuba, China and Venezuela have seats on the Council, Ms. Haley said. It targets Israel and seats the Congo. When Venezuelan Nicholas Maduro spoke to the Council, he got a standing ovation. Ms. Haley said many share our disgust at the Council's record, but they will say so only in private. They're afraid to speak up. We withdrew from the Council because we disliked its hypocrisy. The U.S. will continue to pursue its human rights outside the Council. We're not going to remain in it because we have a conscience”.

While Nikki Haley was reminding the audience that the purpose of the UN is to promote peace and security based on justice, equal rights and the self determination of people, she advocated kicking out of the Council, countries like Cuba, China and Venezuela, countries that exert herculean efforts to give their people the good things the UN says everyone must have.

And while advocating kicking the good people out of the Council, Nikki Haley wants the world to admire Israel, the only neocolonialist entity that is occupying someone else's country, depriving millions of Palestinians of peace and security based on justice, equal rights, and the chance to determine their own destiny.

Based on that performance, let it be known that the lump of organic molecules called Nikki Haley, does not make up a human being. It is a monstrosity that should be classified as an alien life form, yet to be cataloged and classified as incapable of human reasoning.