Monday, July 9, 2018

If this is Antisemitism, expect more of it

Unable to relate to anything that associates naturally with human beings, Bradley Martin has completely missed the point of the subject matter he is talking about.

He wrote: “Spain's Anti-Israel Hypocrisy Boils Down to Antisemitism,” an article that was published on June 30, 2018 in Algemeiner. In his article, Martin lists the instances in which anti-Israel stances were taken in Spain, including adherence to the BDS movement. But the situation in the Middle East is not the reason why the Spaniards express anti-Israel sentiments, he went on to say. The real reason they hate Israel, he explained, is that they are fundamentally antisemitic. And he claimed to have the proof of that.

Here are Bradley Martin's accusations against Spain:

“The Spanish state of Navarre endorsed BDS and slammed the US for moving its embassy to Jerusalem. More than 50 Spanish cities and regions have passed motions condemning Israel. Spanish newspapers and magazines contain cartoons in which Jewish symbols are linked to the killing of children. El Jueves displayed caricature of Ariel Sharon with a pig's face, a Jewish skullcap, and a Nazi Swastika. El Pais has continually portrayed Palestinians as innocent victims, while dehumanizing Jews”.

Even if all these instances seem on the surface to relate to the situation in the Middle East, says Martin, this is not really the case. He explains that there is more hypocrisy than meets the eye behind the Spanish attitude. In his view, Spain is behaving much the same way as Israel. And he cites the instances, which he says, prove his point. They are the following:

“Spain occupies the Portuguese town of Olivenza despite agreeing to return control to Portugal. It also refused Basque demands to create an independent homeland, and maintains control over the plazas de soberania, and the cities of Ceuta and Melillas, claimed by Morocco as their sovereign land. It refused to respect Catalonia's desire to secede from Spain”.

Well then, if not the Middle East, the reason why the Spaniards hate Israel must be that they are antisemitic, he concludes. And there is more of what proves this reality, according to him. It is the following:

“58.4% of Spaniards say the Jews are powerful because they control the economy and the mass media. They are 62.2% among university students and 70.5% among those interested in politics. More than 60% of university students said that they did not want Jewish classmates. 30% said their dislike of Jews had to do with the Jewish religion, customs, and way of life. 20% said they didn't know why they disliked Jews. Only 17% of respondents attributed their dislike of Jews to the conflict in the Middle East”.

If an impartial judge looking at this evidence concludes that this is not convincing argument, what is Bradley Martin missing? The answer is that Martin is making two monumental mistakes:

First, Bradley Martin is falsely equating what Spain is doing in Olivenza, de soberania, Ceuta, Melillas and Catalonia with what Israel is doing to the Palestinians in the occupied territories. The truth is that the inhabitants of the places where Spain is sovereign are themselves sovereign citizens. They enjoy Spanish citizenship, have the same rights and obligations as the other citizens, and they enjoy equal protection under the law. Spain has set-up no checkpoints restricting the movement of some people but not others, and has built no wall separating them from each other. It does not have settlers living on occupied lands illegally, where they enjoy privileges enforced by the military and denied to the indigenous population who live under the harsh rules of occupation. And the sordid, criminal list of Israel goes on.

Second, it is human nature –– which means it is both human and natural –– that when someone consistently behaves in an odd way as compared to the norm, even impartial observers tend to look for intrinsic reasons why this is the case. Thus, when Jews who are not naturalized or born Israelis, refuse to concede if only by a hair that Israel is doing something wrong occupying the territory of others and treating the people with that kind of savagery, it is natural for the observers to suspect that religion or custom or the way of life could be the culprit. If not, then it must be the status of these people as it relates to the economy or the media, among other things.

This is what the Spaniards have done. Theirs is a healthy and natural human attitude. It is what the entire human race feels. If this is antisemitism, the Jews better get used to it because it is universal, and will be around for as long as there will be human beings.

There is one more thing the Jews must know about: What they think they see is not antisemitism. That's because the Arabs who are the authentic Semites –– I among them –– do not feel the Spaniards hate us for who we are as an ethnic group. We don't like some of the things Spaniards do either but heck; c'est la vie!