Monday, July 2, 2018

Squeezed between two opposed Paradigms

A paradigm is like an edifice which can be real or can be fake. If made of bricks and mortar, an edifice is real. If made of sand, it is fake. Likewise, the paradigm –– which is a construct of the intellect in the way that the edifice is a tangible construct with dimensions –– can be real or can be fake.

For example, a doctrine that is based on reality creates a natural paradigm around it that is unshakable like an edifice made of bricks and mortar. The most real of doctrines is created by the human quest to be free. Thus, you'll find that the wars of liberation create around them a paradigm that is too sturdy to destroy. Opposed to that is the paradigm that's artificially created by those who seek to dominate others or colonize them outright. At first, the fake paradigm might look as attractive as a sand castle but when the time comes, it will crumble into a pile of dust and blown away by the winds of change.

This is what's happening with both the Palestinian quest to be free, and the Jewish quest to dominate America to continue colonizing Palestine. No words of any kind –– no matter how eloquent they may be –– will suffice to describe the natural and authentic paradigm surrounding the Palestinian struggle to be free. As to the fake and artificial paradigm that was created by the Judeo-Israeli crime syndicate, it is proving to be a mound of sand that never even looked as pretty as a castle. It is now crumbling under its own weight and by the force of the winds of change that are beginning to blow on a world that's growing tired of the murderous antics of Jews.

The fake Jewish paradigm used to go something like this:

“For a reason that even we do not understand, God loved us so much, he picked us to be his favorite children. Because we didn't have a land of our own, he gave us Palestine, the land of the Palestinians. The problem is that the people who lived there since the beginning of time do not want to vacate the place. The European powers that tried to annihilate us gave us a hand to fix that problem. They were later joined by the Americans who helped us bomb our neighbors and steal more land from them. But the neighbors pushed us back from everywhere except a place called the Western Golan. The neighbors then kept getting stronger and we had no choice but to invent the fake paradigm of owning a nuclear arsenal that can blow them into kingdom come”.

Because time never slows, and change never stops, Israel's behavior that used to be a problem confined to the Middle East and micromanaged from America has become a worldwide calamity affecting everyone, including America. Added to the mess was the game of nuclear ambiguity that the Jews have been playing with American connivance. For this reason, the paradigm invented by the Jews about owning a nuclear arsenal, has come to haunt the American diplomatic establishment.

Reading the latest article on the subject will give you a feel as to the torment that the people of the State Department must be going through as they search for an approach to solve this problem. The article came under the title: “The Palestinians and Nuclear Weapons” and the subtitle: “The unresolved Israel-Palestinian conflict is one of the major factors preventing an effective region-wide prohibition of nuclear weapons.” It was written by Paul R. Pillar and published on June 29, 2018 in The National Interest.

The unmistakable turn of events that played a major role in this saga is one that's well known to all cultures, and yet remains obscure to the Jews. It is that when something is tainted and you try to hide it, the rot does not go away. It gets worse with time, and the stink becomes so pungent, even you will beg for relief. That, in fact, is what happened with the Judeo-American game of nuclear ambiguity concerning Israel's fictitious arsenal.

Another unmistakable turn of events that's unknown to the Jews, says that whenever you pursue several trends in the belief that they'll remain parallel and separate, they'll disappoint you by getting tangled, and forming a spider's web ... You know what! You'll be the first to get caught in that web. That's how the occupation of Palestine and the nuclear issue got tangled together, catching America and Israel like two helpless flies waiting to be devoured by a monster spider. Here is how Pillar expressed that situation:

“Construction of a regional nuclear weapons-free zone is said to require recognition of a regional state not currently recognized by other regional states. Fair enough. Full recognition also requires the player in question not to occupy someone else's territory. Also fair. Thus, amid much talk about recognizing Israel's right to exist, it is reasonable to insist on recognition of the Palestinians' right to exist. The conclusion: the occupation of Palestine is the factor preventing a region-wide prohibition of nuclear weapons”.

The question now rests on whether or not the magical spider will materialize and give the abstract intellectual exercise we’ve been having the look and feel of a tangible edifice made of bricks and mortar.

The answer to that question is unknown at this point. But if you need to concentrate on where a break may occur, it will have to be around the North Korean situation where the leaders there will not want to be treated differently from the Jews.

Their people have sacrificed a great deal during three generations to give themselves the nuclear deterrent they needed for their protection, whereas the Jews only pretended to have what they didn't need to begin with, and then again, only dreamed of.

The North Koreans will refuse being dictated to by an America that’s dictated to by the Jewish crime syndicate.