Sunday, June 9, 2019

Hypnotized Dork preaching the Love of Tyranny

Think about it anyway you want, but living under the rule of a foreign government or entity is the ultimate form of tyranny.

Foreign dictatorial rule can take the form of a military occupation, such as the Palestinian situation under Israeli military occupation, or it can take the form of a politico-religious occupation such as the situation in the American State of Wisconsin, and some 30 other states in America.

This discussion is about the Judeo-Israeli creeping colonization of America, a feat that is achieved by the religious hypnosis of high-level functionaries such as governors, and getting them to pass laws that serve the foreign entity of Israel via the imposition of dictatorial decrees on the populations they govern.

Scott Walker is the governor of Wisconsin. He signed a decree whose effect is to force the population under his governance to consume products made by slave labor in occupied Palestine. Instead of recognizing this situation as being a devious way to spread Jewish dictatorial rule in America, Scott Walker wrote an article to justify coercing his own people with a Jewish-specific law. Its ultimate purpose is to perpetuate the military domination of the Palestinian people by those same Jews.

The article that Scott Walker wrote came under the title: “Hope and respect are the keys to peace in Israel,” and the subtitle: “If employers have to lay off workers because of the boycott, everyone gets hurt, including Arabs.” It was published on June 6, 2019 in The Washington Times. What the governor is complaining about is the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement.

The following montage of quotes from the article shows how this man was hypnotized to do more than tyrannize his people; he went as far as to turn himself into a moral prostitute. He suspended his job as governor of Wisconsin and got into the business of pimping for Israel, calling on all Americans to prostitute themselves for the glory of Israel. So, go ahead and analyze the relevant passages, my friend, and be prepared to feel disgust for, it is the natural thing to happen:

“I visited Israel [occupied Palestine] … a company in Samaria [West Bank]. Of the hundreds of people they employ at the factory, half are Jewish and half are Arabs ... If the employers have to lay off people because of the impact of BDS campaigns, everyone gets hurt –– including the Arabs. As governor, I signed an executive order that prohibits state agencies from entering into contracts with companies that boycott Israel. My order stated that 'Israel is a firm and faithful friend of the United State.' It is important that leaders in the United States understand the facts and speak out in defense of Israel. I will continue to do so”.

As you can see, this guy, Scott Walker, went to the West Bank and called it by its given Jewish name, Samaria. It has been occupied by the Jews for more than half a century where millions of Arabs (Christians and Muslims) are kept in abject poverty as a way to force them to flee and leave behind their properties for the Jews to loot and make their own. Walker visited a factory where a handful of Arabs are working and getting paid at a level that's a little higher than the millions who are kept in poverty by force of arms.

Walker explained that keeping millions in poverty under military occupation for an indefinite period, is a good thing because a handful of people can then be hired by Jews and paid enough to impress feeble minds such as himself. This done, he felt energized enough to run back to America where he started preaching what sounds like the “truth” according to the politico-religious gospel of the Evangelicals.

But what does that gospel entail, anyway? Well, it is a Jewish invention by which the will of millions of Palestinians who want to be free, can justifiably be suppressed on the excuse that a handful of them, will be paid a little more than those who are tyrannized. But why do it this way when the Palestinians prefer to live freely, and have their own factories where they'll pay themselves and their people ten times as much as what a handful of them get in the Jewish factory?

No, the occupation cannot be allowed to end because “Israel is a firm and faithful friend of the United State,” says Scott Walker. But if Israel is a friend, why did the Jews rely on the executive order of a single mental case, to force millions of Americans who live in Wisconsin to do what Israel wants, rather than let the people of Wisconsin decide for themselves what they'll buy and what they'll boycott? With friends like these Jews, who needs dictators telling them how to live?

Oh, how wrong you can be, says Scott Walker, how wrong you can be! In fact, he is so hypno-brainwashed by the Jews that he emphatically stated it was important that leaders in the United States speak out in defense of Israel. And he promised that he'll continue to do so himself … presumably till he is voted out of office and sent to Israel where he'll become someone's personal whore, and live happily ever after.

Who knows? He might find that job to be a lot more fun than governing an American State. He may even call on the other whorish governors to join him, which will allow the American people to live freely again.