Wednesday, June 5, 2019

The Scent of Blood and the Land-based Sharks

Sharks are the most rapacious of sea animals. They'll eat anything they can catch, and the way they are guided to their prey is through the smell of blood.

Any creature, even the biggest of whales that may be so unfortunate as to get wounded and spill blood into the sea water, is enough to alert a shark that could be roaming as much as a mile away –– that an easy meal is there to be consumed. The shark follows the aquatic trail of blood till it gets to the prey and consumes it to its heart's content.

While this is the reality of life and death in the animal kingdom, it serves as a perfect metaphor for what's happening in the human kingdom, which thinks of itself as being populated by creatures that are superior to the animals. There too, live the land-based sharks who make-up a population often deemed to be predatory. These creatures feed on preys that need not even spill blood to attract them. All that the preys need to do, is give the impression they can be conned into letting the sharks get close and dine on them.

The latest attempt, conjured up by the truly savage sharks, is there for all to see. They just played their most cowardly trick once again, in a desperate attempt to secure a free cannibalistic meal. You can see what they are trying to do when you read the article that came under the title: “Egypt's President Sisi Remarks on Muslim Treatment of Christians,” a piece of work, said to have been written by Marlo Safi, and published on June 3, 2019 in National Review Online.

To understand what these creatures are doing that is cowardly, you need to know they inherited the tricks they employ today from the colonial armies of a bygone era. That was a time when the small army of a small population was able to control the large population of a big country. The trick the colonial powers employed with success, boiled down to pitting the various factions of the indigenous population against each other, causing them to fight one another till exhaustion.

When the population was so depleted it could not stand up to the colonial army, the predators moved in and metaphorically dined on the lame population. And this is the trick that today's sharks have revived and are employing. They scored some success in places like Lebanon, Sudan and Syria where they started civil wars, but failed big time in Egypt. Still, the failure did not deter them from trying again, which is what the purported Marlo Safi article is attempting to do. However, conscious that the direct approach is not working on the Egyptians, the sharks are trying a more devious approach this time.

The occasion they seized upon is a speech given by the president of Egypt. In keeping with the policy of separating church from state, as well as mosque from state, the country's parliament had decided to ban the formation of religious parties, one of them being the Muslim Brothers. In addition, since President Sisi came to power, he never missed an opportunity to remind Muslims in Egypt and elsewhere that if they have acquired a bad reputation throughout the globe, they have only themselves to blame. He urged the religious leaders to preach what is good in Islam as a way to mollify religious extremism.

Sisi's latest speech contained those ideas. The thing is that this year, the end of Ramadan coincided almost exactly with the Coptic Eater. And so, it happened that in one part of the speech, Sisi pleaded with the Muslim leaders to preach tolerance, and in another part of the speech, he congratulated the Copts on the Easter celebrations. And while at it, he expressed happiness that Parliament voided the old laws that used to limit the building of churches, a situation that was annoying the Christians. What Sisi did not do, is make a connection between what he said to the Muslims, and what he said to the Christians because there was no connection to be made. These were two separate issues, and he treated them as such.

But that's when and where the Jewish-educated sharks of America, smelled the scent of blood and became restless. However, they were smart enough not attempt conning the Egyptians because they knew it would be futile to do so. What they did instead, was address the ignorant, the mentally retarded and the emotionally disturbed characters in America's political pool. Their goal was and remains getting the most impressionable of those in the pool to be so impressed with their presentation as to use America's resources, and prepare a scheme that will upset the stability of Egypt … all this in the hope that it will lead to a civil war.

What they did is encapsulated in the Safi article. Here, in condensed form, is how the presentation went:

“President Sisi delivered a speech. Egypt's Coptic Christians have been facing persecution. Sisi's remarks may be a sign of his efforts imploring peaceful coexistence between Muslims and Christians. Said Sisi: 'Muslims should represent Islam in a good way through their practices. When we wish our Christian brothers a happy feast or congratulate them on building new churches, we represent our religion.' He added that Egypt's goal is to preserve the essence of religion, raise the moderate religious awareness and combat the extremist threats among the youth”.

The intent here is to make the characters in the defective political pool of America believe that Egypt's Copts are distressed, that Sisi has so admitted, and that the Copts need help –– none of which is true.

With this, the Jewish-educated sharks of America hope that the ignorant, the mentally retarded and the emotionally disturbed characters in America's political pool, will get to work and help Egypt the way they helped Iraq, Sudan and Libya slide into civil war. So very cowardly, so very Jewish.