Tuesday, June 4, 2019

The Mindset that distorts the Vision of History

There are two ways by which we see things. The physical way and the mental way.

When it comes to the physical way of seeing things, various reasons cause some people to see things differently from the norm. There is color blindness that causes some people to see colors differently from the rest. There are the various eye diseases, ranging from glaucoma to dyslexia, that distort the shape of what a patient sees. There is also the optical illusion that causes people to look at the same thing: a cloud, a picture or a drawing for example, and see different things in them.

When it comes to the mental way of seeing things, different people can look at the same physical object and visualize different things in their mind's eye. They can also be exposed to the description of the same event, and visualize different things. This happens because what each of them visualizes mentally, is a convenient interpretation of what they wish was there.

What happens in this case, is that once the light signal has gone through the visual apparatus of the eye, and has reached the brain, the mental processor in the gray matter will associate what came in with bits of information that already exist in the memory. A hybrid image is produced; and will be different from one person to another. Depending on the life experience of each, the divergence between them can be close or can be wide. For example, the sight of a bottle of wine will conjure up different memories and different states of mind to a wine grower, a chemist, a wino, a brewer and so on.

When it comes to abstract notions such as the interpretation of a current event or a historical one, the divergence between what is seen by two people can be so large, it might reach 180 degrees. This means that the two views of the same event, may turn out to be the exact opposite of each other.

All the above cited phenomena are so natural to the evolution of Civilization, they happen all the time especially after a violent revolution or even a quiet one. What takes place after that, is a revision of history so as to accommodate the new mindset. In fact, this is happening in America at this time, where the white-supremacist, slave-era, colonial past of America is being exposed and repudiated. It is also being replaced by something new; something that will depend on the discovery of new evidence. What must be said, however, is that no one at this time can guess what the new foundation will look like.

However, something else is happening in America at the same time. The Jews who believe they have a mandate from God to stand in front of the evolutionary train of Civilization and stop it, are at it again. They wish to impose a new artificial trajectory on Civilization; one that will fulfill the promise they say God made to them thousands of years ago. It is to make the Earth and its content their exclusive property. And so, the Jews interpret and reinterpret past and current events to suit the continually changing moments so as to keep God's promise from turning stale or becoming irrelevant.

You get a sense of all this when you go over the article that came under the title: “BDS Continues to Normalize Antisemitism on Campus and Elsewhere,” written by Alexander Joffe and published on June 2, 2019 in the online magazine Algemeiner.

Because the Jews made Israel the symbol of God's promise to them, they consider attacks on Israel's legitimacy, attempts to nullify God's will. Thus, they deem the BDS movement –– which they interpret as being the way that Israel is delegitimize –– to be an expression of antisemitism. As well, in the Jew-speak of the modern era, antisemitism has come to mean that those who refuse to develop infinite love for the Jews, hate the Jews for no reason except that they were chosen to be God's favorite children.

That mindset gives the Jews the right to call antisemitic anything and everything that falls short of expressing infinite love for them, for Israel and for everything that relates to either. And of course, adhering to the BDS movement would be the ultimate expression of hatred for the Jews.

This story, with all the horrible consequences that it has engendered through time, started thousands of years ago when someone developed the mindset of an absurd idea he described as the promise of a supernatural being who is so powerful, He created the universe with the snap of His fingers.

That was God the Almighty who chose the Jews to be his favorite children on a whim He never explained. Nevertheless, He promised that someday –– tomorrow or a million years after that –– He'll give the Jews the Earth and all that's in it … just like that.

And the guy that developed the original mindset, turned it into such an attractive vision, millions of people adhered to it. Millions among these suffered horribly, and millions more died painful deaths clinging to a promise that never got fulfilled.

With this sordid history, it is difficult to see how we can continue to call ourselves an intelligent species.