Sunday, June 16, 2019

The negative Aspect of positive Feedback

The principle of feedback is everywhere in science and the humanities. It means that when something is processed, a sample of the outcome is fed back at the start of the process.

Under normal circumstances, politicians who are already in office or running for office, do that all the time. They float an idea to see how it will play in the public domain. When information is fed back to them as to how the public has reacted to the idea, they decide to go ahead and implement it or scrap it.

Under abnormal circumstances, things get a little more complicate and a little bit trickier. That's because the feedback gets not only to the people that created the situation, but also those who succeed hem –– as much as several generations later in some circumstances. The best example to look at in this category, would be the Jews who incessantly try something new, and often feel its effect generations later.

Whether the people that receive the feedback are the ones who produced it, or they are of a subsequent generation, they decide if they'll use the information positively or negatively. Using it positively means to double down on the idea that was floated in the first place. Using it negatively means taking the feedback as a sign that the idea was rejected by the public in whole or in part, and that it should be scrapped or modified before imposing it on the public.

A good way to understand the effect of feedback –– whether used positively or negatively –– is to turn to science. That's because we can construct an apparatus that will literally “scream” at us the effect of our use of feedback. Everyone is familiar with a system known as public address. It is made of a sound amplifier to which a microphone is plugged at the input, and a speaker is plugged at the output.

A good system will have an internal feedback circuit that takes a sample of the output, reverses the polarity, and feeds it back negatively to the input. This way, when the input goes too high for whatever reason, the feedback attenuates it so as to keep the sound level steady. But it can happen at times that in a hall that's not properly soundproofed, the positive echo returning to the microphone overwhelms the internal negative feedback signal. And that's when you hear the public address whistle. Think of it as the system screaming at you that something has gone wrong, and you need to turn down the volume.

To see how all of that can explain what has been happening to the Jews since time immemorial, we may look at an event that took place lately. It is the passage of Resolution 189 on June 13, 2019 in the Senate of the United States of America. The Resolution condemns all forms of antisemitism, but does two things that constitute a destructive kind of positive feedback.

First, the Senate Resolution rejects “the Russian fabrication of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion.” So here you have it, instead of considering the Protocols to have been a kind of warning fed back to the Russian Jews of the time that ordinary Russians had it up to here with Jewish trickery –– and the Jews deciding to cease their anti-social activities –– the contemporary generation of American Jews is doubling down on the trickery of a different place and a different time.

America's Jews are doing it by recruiting the country's Senate, which sheepishly agreed to vouch that hundreds of years ago in far-away Russia, the writers of the Protocols were wrong and that the Jews were innocent of what came in the Protocols. All of that is happening at a time when today's Jewish tricks in America and the rest of the world, make the Protocols look like child's play. It is that every “anti-Semite” in America, in Europe and elsewhere knows of the Jewish tricks, and they are responding by sending the Jews yet another warning that the ordinary people of Planet Earth have had it with them.

Second, the Senate Resolution repeats the denial of realities which –– like high velocity bullets –– pierce the eyes and ears of those who see them and hear them. They are realities that occur day in and day out, year in and year out, election cycle after election cycle. And here is the passage of infamy in the Resolution that tells you what it is: “In the US, Jews face false accusations of divided loyalty between the US and Israel and that they purchase political power with money”.

So now, when you have prominent as well as obscure Jews in America send their children to serve in the Israeli military rather than serve in the American military, non-Jewish ordinary Americans are supposed to pretend this is a sign that those Jews are loyal to America and not Israel. Well, let me tell that Senate of the United States, it takes a brain-dead zombie to sink to this level of moral prostitution. To try imposing this kind of logic on the public is beyond words.

And when you add to this the activities of the Jewish gambling moguls who regularly buy up the Republican Party, as well as individual political candidates of another party with millions of dollars and brag about it, you have a system of “democratic” prostitution that’s bought and paid for by the shameless who refuse to recognize the low life to which they all sank.