Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Forging sham Circumstances to upend Democracy

Did you ever wonder how it is that the Jews manage to get America's politicians at the federal, state and municipal levels to give them the store, and then congratulate themselves for doing the right and honorable thing when what they have done looks to the rest of the world like moral prostitution of the sickest kind?

If you wondered and never had an answer, rejoice because the answer is now at hand, and you have Jonathan S. Tobin to thank for it. He wrote: “A Hate Group Gets a College Hall Pass,” an article that was published on November 10, 2019 in the Jewish online publication, Algemeiner.

What you'll discover in this article are most of the tricks used by the Jews to avoid having a public debate on the subjects that relate to the issues of interest to them. They play the game by taking behind closed doors a small number of key people and get them to accept a proposition that favors Israel or the Jews in general.

This done, the Jews call that accomplishment a big win, even if the acceptance was understood to have come only as a temporary or tentative nod of the head. Still, they use it as precedent and flash it in the face of other key people to pressure them into accepting the same proposition. Beyond that, the Jews repeat the performance time after time, thus accumulate the same kind of wins to a point where they can claim that their proposition has been accepted by an overwhelming consensus.

But that would only be the consensus of a behind-closed-doors moral prostitutes, none of whom will face the public to explain what it is that they just did. And they will most certainly not reveal under what sort of blackmail, or for what level of bribe they were able to extort new approvals for their proposition.

We now take a look at the Jonathan Tobin article. It has a title that speaks of “A Hate Group.” Tobin did not finger the Jews as a hate group when the reality that's known to everyone, is that there is no hate group like the Jewish hate groups. Do you know why, my friend? It's because time after time, the Jews proved it and bragged about it. In fact, no one but the Jewish collective would clamor through several generations, to punish an innocent man in his nineties because it gives them a sadistic joy to know that someone is suffering because they willed it.

And so, instead of tackling their chosen opponents of the day by engaging them in a civilized debate, the Jews go behind the opponents and do the following:

1.   “The activities and beliefs of National Students for Justice in Palestine (NSJP) are the focus of a new study from the Institute for the Study of Global Anti-Semitism and Policy and their findings constitute a wakeup call.”

That is, the Jews write something nasty about someone behind their backs, call this demonic work a study, and distribute it among the politico-journalistic feeble minds whom they later work on to impress or brainwash or hypnotize.

2.   “NSJP has become a hate group with a hall pass that gives it carte blanche to spread disinformation and venomous libels about Jews that go unanswered by responsible authorities and liberal groups that otherwise masquerade as crusaders against hate.”

That is, instead of refuting, in a civilized debate, what they say are the NSJP's disinformation and libel campaigns, the Jews call on the authorities as well as the liberal groups to do the refuting for them.

3.   “Using the definition of antisemitism promoted by the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance, the study makes it clear that the NSJP's mode of discourse crosses into territory in which its goal is not critiques of Israel's policies, but instead to disparage, demonize and delegitimize Jews.”

Here again, the Jews come up with a definition for anti-Semitism, and state that the opponents are not abiding by it, thus prove without any shadow of a doubt that they are anti-Semites.

4.   “The rise of intersectional ideology that claims a link between the Palestinian [struggle and that] for civil rights in the United States is widely accepted in academic circles, despite its lack of logic and falsification of history.”

That is, instead of explaining why something that is widely accepted in academic circles is both illogical and a falsification of history, the Jews simply attribute it to what they call intersectional ideology and brush it aside as not valid.

5.   “By letting NSJP get away with pushing antisemitic themes without being denounced by authority figures and student bodies, academic institutions are enabling and legitimizing hate. And when that happens, they cannot claim innocence when acts of intimidation against Jews by the NSJP occur.”

That is, the Jews will try to intimidate the authority figures and the student bodies into silencing the NSJP by claiming that the latter is intimidating the Jewish students when everyone knows that the guerrilla behavior of Jewish groups such as CAMERA are the ones intimidating –– not only the students who seek a safe place to study but also –– the professors in their classrooms as they lecture to students that pay to hear the professors, not the little Jewish louts who think they have a mandate from God to disrupt what fails to serve the Jewish causes.