Monday, November 4, 2019

Look how easily they fool the Beltway Crowd

Suppose one of those disgraced Jewish executives says that he converted to Christianity, that he became a born-again Christian, and that he decided to dedicate his life to defend the young attractive women who wish to start a career in television broadcasting.

He calls on all the young women who contemplate entering that line of work, to visit him in his mansion before applying for a job with any of the television networks or independent stations. He promises to prepare them well for the job they dream about. Well then, would you advise your daughter to go visit this man?

If you think that only a screwed up parent would advise their daughter to go visit this man in his mansion, you should have the same reaction upon learning that a member of the George W. Bush team wants to give advice on how to end terrorism when this was the administration that adopted “Za damacracy of za Shamir” which spawned the terrorism that’s plaguing the world today.

So, there he is, Jed Babbin who was deputy undersecretary of Defense in the W. Bush administration, writing an article in which he tells the world –– not how to end terrorism –– but why terrorism must be ended. If you think I am joking, you can check him out yourself. His article came under the title: “ISIS and Syria after the death of al-Baghdadi,” and the subtitle: “The world is safer without Baghdadi, but Islamist ideology must be destroyed.” It was published on November 1, 2019 in The Washington Times.

Come to think of it, there seems to be ample evidence that Satan's Hell and Israel's Likud Party joined hands to make that president the founding father of modern terrorism. Actually, it all began when President Ronald Reagan, who was there before the W, decided to make life difficult for the Soviet Union whose military was invited into Afghanistan by the Afghan government of the day. Working out of Pakistan, Reagan's operatives located the most ardent of the Mujahedeen (Arabic for practitioner of Jihad,) armed them, paid them and told them to go fight the godless Soviets who were desecrating the Muslim land of Afghanistan.

The Mujahedeen did just that, and defeated the Soviet Union, recognized at the time to be a superpower. But there was another superpower that was also desecrating Muslim lands, and doing it on a permanent basis. More than anyone else, that superpower desecrated Saudi Arabia, the birthplace of the Muslim Prophet. Well then, if the ragtag army of Muslim kids could defeat one superpower, it could just as well defeat the other superpower, the one named United States of America.

While this narrative was developing, another narrative was running parallel to it. It is that the Jews had just firmed their grip on America, and were ready to have the Likud Party of Israel run America's foreign policy out of the Party's boiler room that’s located in a Tel Aviv basement (dubbed West Asia US Department of State.) Yitzhak Shamir was then Prime Minister of Israel who visited America for the specific purpose of telling the zombies who were running the country, they must drop everything they are doing, and start getting ready to democratize the Arab and Muslim countries because “zey know nossing about za damacracy”.

Because it was taking time for that command to sink in, the Jews rushed the process by cobbling together a number of essays on Democracy, all written by their usual ghost writers. They bound the essays into a book, and sought a luminary name to associate with it. They found that the name Anatoly Sharansky suited their purpose just fine. He is a nearly illiterate Russian peasant who became famous because he was a Jew that wanted to go to Israel but the Soviets would not let him out of jail before he had served his time.

The W of the Bushes read the book and created in his empty skull, the delusion that he can fix the ills of the world simply by democratizing the Arab and Muslim countries. He declared his intention for the whole world to know and appreciate. And that's not all. Bush also decided to go looking for non-existent weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, invading the Arab country and destroying most of its infrastructure. Those two decisions convinced the Mujahedeen that they were looking at a Jewish owned and operated America that's gearing up to fight them to the end of time. And so, they too started preparing to fight the perpetual war that was thrust upon them.

Jed Babbin was a member of that administration at the time, and he is telling the world he knows how to end the terrorism he midwifed along with the other knuckleheads. They were the ones who thought that Shamir and Sharansky brought them a secret revelation having the potential to turn the Earth into a heavenly home-planet for the human species and the other organisms.

From the looks of it, Jed Babbin still believes he is privy to a secret that no one else has. His problem is that he doesn't know how to express the secret in terms that can be used in any practical way. And this is why he ended his article with these words:

“As this column has said many times, unless and until we destroy the Islamist ideology, these endless wars will never end except in our defeat”.

Big deal. What can you do with advice that is this pointless? The best thing you can do, in fact, is tell no one to go visit this man in his mansion. A visit there would be like asking a fifteen-year old virgin to make the bed for a Jewish media executive.