Saturday, November 16, 2019

Rejecting moral Equivalence to claim Supremacy

What's the difference between racial or ethnic equivalence on the one hand, and moral equivalence on the other hand? Well, you may say that it all depends on who is talking to whom.

It is that when normal, civilized human beings talk to normal, civilized human beings, those two expressions mean one thing. But when demonic Jews talk to American politico-Journalistic zombies, they mean another thing altogether. And there exist two recent mind-blowing articles that illustrate this mind-blowing reality.

One article came under the title: “Self-Defense for everyone –– Except Israel,” written by Jonathan S. Tobin and published on November 14, 2019 in the online Jewish publication, Algemeiner. The other article came under the title: “Terrorists Fire Hundreds Of Rockets Into Israel, But Majority of 2020 Democratic Contenders Are Silent,” written by Erielle Davidson, and published also on November 14, 2019 in the online Jewish influenced publication, The Federalist.

As to the Tobin article, which is composed of a thousand haggling words, the story of what happened during the event that's described, can be condensed in one hundred and forty words as follows:

“Israeli forces launched a surprise attack against a Palestinian family in Gaza in the middle of the night killing everyone. Within 24 hours, Palestinians retaliated by firing rockets at Israel. The conflict is that anytime Israel does anything to defend itself, its actions are perceived as provocative. By treating Israel's self-defense as morally equivalent to that of Hamas, the critics are undermining Jewish security, and dooming Palestinians trapped in the Strip to continued siege. There is the question of Netanyahu's cynical manipulation of the security situation for his own benefit. The discussion about Israel and the Palestinians in the US continues by liberal critics of Israel who think that the conflict is driven by Israeli intransigence. But this week's violence is reminder that the problem has to do with a toxic Palestinian political culture, not Israel's”.

Look at the Jewish complaint and blow your mind: Israel launched an unprovoked surprise attack to kill a Palestinian family asleep at home in Gaza. If Hamas had done something similar, and killed or apprehended, not an Israeli family, but an Israeli soldier of occupation, the action would have been called terrorism. But it was Israel that did it, therefore, the action was called self-defense by Jonathan Tobin the Jew. And he complains that the critics of Israel do not see it that way because they make no difference between all forms of human life, be it Christian or Muslim of Palestinian origin, or be it Jewish and calling itself Israeli. And that's anathema to the Jews who get it with their mothers' milk that they are the chosen ones, handpicked by God to be superior to everyone else.

As to Erielle Davidson's article, you'll be horrified to sense for yourself how she takes it for granted that the readers will accept her contention that a crime against humanity committed by Israel is no crime at all because the Palestinians cannot be considered a part of humanity. And besides, no matter what the Jews do according to her, their action should never be considered a crime to begin with. And what follows is a condensed version of what she is saying:

“Over three days, Israel has endured a barrage of rockets from its neighbors in Gaza. On Tuesday, Israel assassinated a Palestinian family asleep in its home, a strike which resulted in retaliatory measures against Israel. Despite the hundreds of rockets launched on Israel, only four of the US Democratic contenders bothered to comment. Notably absent were Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders. Why are they so stunningly silent now? The silence of Democratic leaders speaks volumes. It seems both Warren and Sanders have found that ducktaping themselves endears them to their anti-Israel and anti-Semitic base in a way that nothing else could”.

Note that Erielle Davidson is complaining about the Democrats failing to condemn the Palestinians for retaliating against the premeditated Jewish crime against humanity, and not about the Democrats failing to condemn Israel for starting this round of fighting by assassinating a Palestinian family asleep at home in the middle of the night, using donated American weapons of the most lethal kind. So, the question to ask is this: Why is it that the Jews have such a low opinion of the American public in general, and the American politico-journalistic class specifically?

The reality is that the Jews are misinformed about the American public, and they are beginning to sense this reality. But when it comes to the American politico-journalistic class, it deserves the contempt of the Jews and that of everyone else, as a matter of fact. This is because that class has allowed itself to be debased by the Jews who worked on it for half a century, and turned it into the inferior thing it is today.

The Jews began their brainwashing of the American politico-journalistic elites by dividing society into a basket of good people and a basket of bad people. They made it so that the good people were those who allied themselves with the Jews; the bad ones being everyone else. In addition, the Jews created a subsection for the worst of the bad people and reserved it for the Palestinians. They are the worst, say the Jews, not because they do horrible things, but because the Jews have been brutalizing them for half a century, and the Palestinians refuse to surrender. This is why they deserve being labeled terrorists.

Here is how it all came about: The brainwashing of American elites was so deep, it worked like irreversible hypnosis in some cases. The Jews were then able to manipulate the Americans into believing that the Palestinians were terrorists for defending themselves when they had stones to throw at the Israeli tanks that came to demolish their homes; when they had knives with which to scare the armed settlers that came to steal their homes; when they produced the home-made firearms which they used to deter the Israeli army from attacking them, and when they used rockets to retaliate whenever Israel committed crimes against humanity.

Will the American elites come out of their hypnotic trance and see what their own public and everyone else in the world sees? There is hope this will happen someday, but only a slim hope.