Sunday, November 17, 2019

Will this be a British Model for America?

Michael Curtis wrote an article under the title: “Corbyn and Labour: A Fish Rots from the Head,” and the subtitle: “Something is rotten in the state of the British Labour Party.” He had the article published on November 11, 2019 in The American Thinker.

Hoping that an article in the British publication “Jewish Chronicle” will produce a miracle, Michael Curtis reached back a hundred and twenty years to an incident known as the Dreyfus Affair which happened in France. He speculated that the success of an article written then in defense of a Jew who was accused of treason, will serve as model for the Jewish Chronicle to “rouse the power of the media,” thus result in the hoped-for miracle concerning the affairs of the British Labour party.

The article in the Jewish Chronicle was titled: “To all our fellow British citizens,” and was addressed to non-Jews. It attacked Jeremy Corbyn, leader of the Labour party, who has a reasonable chance of getting elected prime minister of Britain. What the Jews do not like about this possibility, is that they consider Corbyn to be an anti-Semite whose failure to deal with a similar trend in his party, emboldens other people in and out of the party to follow suit.

It should not come as a surprise to anyone that Michael Curtis is drawing a parallel between what happened to an individual in France a hundred and twenty years ago, and what he sees happening today to the Labour party of Britain. It is that the Jews have a universal sort of nexus that ties everything which relates to Jewish misery. This would be the anti-Semitism they see running as an undercurrent in all these affairs.

Be that as it may, a more accurate parallel to draw would be the situation in America as it relates to what's happening in Britain. Election fever is gripping both countries, where the parties that are removed from the hawkish and warmongering Right, are being attacked by the Jews. The reason is that the latter fear for the future of Israel if the West, under American leadership, decided to abandon the Jewish inspired and Jewish supervised perpetual war against Islam.

In fact, such a decision may come in response to the masses in America, and Europe who want to see an end to those wars. It is that the multitudes in these places are demanding that their leaders work to solve the problems faced by the masses as they try to adapt to a changing world. The people want their leaders to look after their interests rather than create new and costly problems just to please a minority of Jews that developed the ability to hypnotize those who get into the politico-journalistic profession, and have them work to promote Israel at their expense.

That is the reality, and not anti-Semitism, which is pitting the Jews against the parties in Europe and America that have decided to listen to their populations, and started campaigning for an end to those wars. The parties also started a process of reconciliation with the Arabs and the Muslims they have been hurting for decades to please the handful of Jews among them.

The British Labour party is ahead of the American Democratic Party in this regard. Already, a great deal of fear has been expressed by America's mob of Jewish pundits who see that the Democrats are emulating the British model. The trouble with the American Jews, however, is that they want to solve their problem the way that the British Jews want to solve theirs, an approach that will fail in both countries. In fact, what the Jews are doing at both sides of the Atlantic Ocean is precisely what has transformed what used to be a politico-diplomatic dispute into a resentment for what the Jews are doing to exploit the places where they live so as to promote what they call the Jewish homeland, a foreign entity that's out there on another continent.

As to the approach that's used by the Jews in both places, here is a condensed version of what they believe is proper, whereas everyone else considers it to be incriminating:

“Jewish Labour MPs called on their supporters not to vote Labour. Ian Austin called on Labour voters to vote conservative. Tom Watson resigned as deputy leader. Luciana Berger, Louise Ellman and Joan Ryan, chair of the Labour Friends of Israel resigned. Ryan, MP for a London constituency, quit the party. Corbyn had associations with anti-Semites such as Paul Eisen, Stephen Sizer, and Raed Salah. He wrote a letter defending Sizer. Salah was called by Corbyn a very honored citizen. Corbyn hosted representatives from Hamas and Hezb'allah. He defended a mural considered anti-Semitic. He attended a ceremony in Tunisia honoring Palestinians. Chris Williamson, a Corbyn defender, was himself defended by Corbyn, and called a very good and very effective Labour MP. Anti-Semitism is everywhere. In Sofia, fans of a Bulgarian soccer team gave Nazi salutes. In Halle, an attack was made on a synagogue on Yom Kippur. The Italian-Jewish Senator, Lilian Segre, received hundreds of hostile messages on social media”.

What comes out of that discussion, is that the Jews want to divide the world into the good people who support them, and the bad people who don't. They want those on their side to be in a permanent state of dispute if not war against the other side.

They'll leave those on the other side alone only if they keep their mouths shut and do nothing that might get in the way of the Jews promoting the interests of Israel... which they intend to continue doing on a non-stop basis. Impede this effort, and they promise that Satan’s hell will break loose on everyone's head each and every time.

And the world is saying to the Jews: No way. No deal. No surrender. Fight us and we’ll fight back. And as always, we’ll win and you’ll lose.