Saturday, October 3, 2020

A perfect Storm gathering over America

 The expression, “perfect storm” is used to describe a situation in which several disruptive factors converge on a setup that was doing reasonably well up to now, and shake it up.


In fact, a perfect storm is now converging on the United States of America. It is ironic that the neocon speechwriters for George W. Bush stole the expression from Winston Churchill and fraudulently used it against Iraq's Saddam Hussein who was causing no storm at all, let alone a perfect one.


Still, the speechwriters had W. Bush say that Saddam's work in producing weapons of mass destruction was a gathering storm that will culminate in mushroom clouds going up the skies of cities around the world, including those of America. And so, he attacked Iraq with all the might of a superpower. But as it turned out, time made liars out of the speechwriters because nothing of what they predicted happened. However, a storm of a different kind resulted from the attack on Iraq, and is now delivering to killer blow to America.


All of this happened because the neocon warmongers that had a plan ready to attack Iraq for a decade, got Bush to give the order for the attack to happen. No weapons of mass destruction were discovered because there were none, which is what Saddam was saying, and the neocons were contradicting him. He turned out to be the honest party, and as usual, they turned out to be the intellectually dishonest Jews.


But this part of the story turned out to be small potato compared to the ramifications that ensued as a result of America's Jewish-inspired criminal adventure in Iraq. It is that life in the entire Levant has been disrupted, resulting in nearly a million dead people, and millions more who were displaced, some of whom migrated to Europe where they caused life to be disrupted there too.


As to America, its current involvement in the wars of Afghanistan and the Levant, is resulting in many factors gathering over it like a perfect storm that's about to deliver a severe killer blow. But you wouldn't know it because the same propaganda machine that lied to the American people about a Vietnam War that, in reality, was going so badly, it ended in disaster for America –– is lying again. The machine is now doing the same thing with regard to America's involvement in the Muslim World from Syria to Afghanistan.


You can see how that trend plays itself out when you read an article that came under the title: “Evidence demands America end the Afghan war and withdraw now,” and the subtitle: “McMaster and the generals are wrong.” It was written by Daniel L. Davis and published on September 30, 2020 in The Washington Times. Here, in condensed form, is what Daniel Davis says the deceptive propaganda machine is saying and doing at this time to lie to the American people:


“H. R. McMaster claimed that President Trump cheapened the sacrifice of the 2,300 Americans who died in the war. McMaster's claims expose the bankrupt thinking in Washington. His comments follow the path set by Trump aides, grumbling about the desire to withdraw. But is that criticism accurate? An assessment of available evidence suggests it is not. We must evaluate Washington's track record on the war. Every US general claimed the war was going well, that things were getting better, and that with more time, we would win. Each general's assessment proved disastrously wrong. Gen. John Allen claimed we had won the war. Gen. Joseph Dunford praised the progress he had seen. Yet, all these claims of success cannot obviate the reality that the opposite is true. Now, the Taliban controls more than at any time since 2001. Civilians continue being killed at record rates. The government ranked the fifth most corrupt in the world. Afghanistan produces 84% of global heroin. As the president, the public and the veterans know, our military operations in Afghanistan should be terminated immediately because it is in our security interest to do so now”.


This shows that the perfect storms to hit America since the end of the Second World War, were generated internally. What happened was that buoyed by a series of successes it scored during that war, America thought of itself as the policeman of the world. Its involvement in the affairs of other nations, worked for a while when the world was really in “disarray,” and needed someone to restore order.


That kind of American work in the world could have gone on for a while longer. But the trouble is that when America opened the door for interfering in the internal affairs of other nations, it invited groups of foreign descent within America itself to work on plans of their own.


They pushed for American involvement in countries where they had a stake or a gripe or a personal score to settle with someone. The sad and incomprehensible part is that America did no due diligence before getting involved in such situations, thus got itself into a hell of a mess each and every time.


It's been three quarters of a century since the end of WW II. It is time for America to go home and do some housekeeping.


Patriots such as Daniel Davis want what is good for America. They must be respected and listened to. Traitors such as H.R. McMaster want what is good for Israel. They must be disrespected and never listened to.