Monday, October 5, 2020

How to be unchosen and live a normal life

 It took the combined effort of the rabbis to conquer America and turn it into a Jewish colony, starting six decades ago. It looks like the process of quiet intifada has started to free America from the grip of the rabbis who overplayed their hand during the decades, and don't know how to change course to stay in command.


Whereas the Jewish rank-and-file has begun to see that Moses lied to them about going up the mountain and meeting God who told him of the decision to make the Jews his chosen people, the rabbis are desperately trying to convince the rank-and-file that the promise is true, and the day will come when God will send his messiah to hand the deed of ownership for the entire planet, to the Jews.


One rabbi has gone all out, trying to take the flock on the path to nowhere. He is trying in vain to take it back to the four-thousand-year old beaten path that has shown the Jews they were chosen, not by God but by the rabbis who gave them a miserable life of global isolation and permanent rejection.


The rabbi in question is Pini Dunner who wrote a desperate article, appealing to the rank-and-file not to lose hope in the promise of someday owning the planet. His article came under the title: “We Should Embrace Being the Chosen People,” published on October 2, 2020 in the Jewish publication Algemeiner.


What you see in the title of the article is the message of the rabbi. He decided to amplify it because the quiet intifada of the rank-and-file continues to gather momentum and attract new recruits. This is happening because the generation of Jews that can no longer be fooled by the religious gobbledygook of the rabbis, has said enough is enough, and is pulling out of the game.


That generation no longer wants to see itself as chosen by God or Moses or the rabbis. These are young people who want to live a normal life like everyone else without being reviled by the human race for hanging on to a false belief that they were chosen for something they don’t understand, and don’t want to understand. In fact, they want to be unchosen of whatever the thing is, and wish the rabbis would leave them alone.


And that's precisely what got rabbi Pini Dunner to try a new tack in the effort to woo the young rank-and-file back into the fold. To that end, he started the discussion by quoting John Lennon's song, “Imagine.” He pointed out that the song was, “without doubt the best-known 'peace' song of the 60s and 70s, preaching universal love, equality for all, non-violence, and of course, world peace”.


And then, in the clumsiest effort ever seen to pull a tour de force and score a knockout blow, rabbi Pini Dunner started a process by which he inadvertently dismantled the very premise upon which Judaism was erected. Here is how he started that process: “There is a part of us that wants to buy into the core message of this song. Lennon gave us a glimpse of what a perfect world could look like. Well actually, I'm quite sure he didn't. Let me contrast the lyrics of 'Imagine' with a prayer we [Jews] say numerous times over the festival period”.


Here is that prayer: “You chose us from all the nations; you loved us, you desired us above all other people, you sanctified us with your commandments, you drew us near to your service.” For emphasis, rabbi Pini Dunner went on to explain that, “the prayer is a celebration of the fact that God turned the Jewish nation into His Chosen People”.


The rabbi calls that prayer the “foundational aspect of our national identity,” and admits that the message of exclusiveness inherent to it, flies in the face of Lennon's universal God. So, how to reconcile the two and convince the rank-and-file it is a good idea to embrace being the chosen people, and get back into the fold?


This is where the rabbi failed, and in the process, inadvertently demolished the very premise of Judaism. What he did is invoke two analogies. One is the parent-child relationship. The other is the husband-wife relationship. To explain why God chose the Jews to be His children at the exclusion of everyone else, and why He chose them to be His wife at the exclusion of everyone else, rabbi Pini Dunner gave this gobbledygook explanation:


“Chosen-ness means responsibility. It means something is expected of us. And it requires a consciousness that is reflective and on the ball. This is the chosen-ness that explains what it means when we say that the Jews are God's Chosen People”.


Once he gobbledy gooked you into believing why God has loved, desired, sanctified and drew the Jews near to his service at the exclusion of everyone else, the rabbi went on to explained that the relationship is the same as that of a parent being closer to their child than any other child. It is also the same as that of a husband being closer to his wife than any other woman. If that does not convince you that Jews are privileged, nothing will.


You see, my friend, it all flows out the gookishness of the rabbis. The more they press-on with the message that people find difficult to believe, the more they chip away at the notion of modern Judaism being an authentic religion.


Rabbi Pini Dunner has just stabbed Judaism in the back believing he was establishing its supremacy.