Monday, October 19, 2020

Transfer of the Masada Complex to America

 When you think about it and be honest with yourself, you'll see there are only two ways by which a serious war can erupt on this planet, thus threaten to extinguish life on Earth or set it back several centuries.


One way is that war will happen by an accident that no one could have expected. The other is that a suicidal third party will engineer a deliberate misunderstanding between the various powers, and have them go against each other in a fight to their deaths, and perhaps to that of the planet.


As far as today's life on Earth is concerned, whereas the surface area of the planet is not getting any larger, the biomass that lives on it––at the top of which is us, humans––is increasing in weight at an exponential rate. Lucky for our species, we are endowed with a brain that makes it possible for us to care for this biomass, as well as keep it healthy and productive. But this is contingent on us putting our minds to it, and working relentlessly towards achieving those noble goals.


The problem with us, however, is that we are such complex creations, the ingenuity we possess that can lead us to do good, often leads us to do bad things as well. One of the latter being the possibility of an evil third party engineering a misunderstanding that would cause other powers to fight each other. The evil one would exploit the situation and benefit from it regardless of the consequences to the planet in both the short and long terms. In fact, we are living one such moment at this time.


You can get a sense of what's happening on Planet Earth by reading the article that came under the title: “Iran's 'breakout' ability more dangerous than ever,” and the subtitle: “As US election day approaches, tensions between Washington and Tehran are rising, with implications for Israel's security.” It was written by Brig. Gen. Yossi Kuperwasser, a former military intelligence officer in the Israeli army. The article was published on October 18, 2020 in the Jewish News Syndicate.


You know what the core of the problem is when you read the first sentence of the first paragraph, which is a false accusation that goes like this: “Iran keeps seeking ways to secure the capability to produce a sufficient quantity [of weapon grade enriched uranium] for two nuclear devices within a short time, in defiance of growing American economic pressure”.


Thus, from the title, subtitle and the first sentence of the article, you can tell that at the bottom of the story, there exists a conflict between Iran and Israel. America was dragged into the feud by the Israelis whose Jewish allies in America have recruited the government, and convinced it to use its economic clout to force Iran not to seek what it does not have, and said it does not intend to have. Iran even negotiated a deal with a previous American administration and other world powers, that ascertains this will be the case.


But there happened an election in America, at which time the administration was replaced. It pulled out of the Iran nuclear deal, and instituted a program of maximum pressure at the behest of the local Jews who form a lobby that works on behalf of Israel. It is now four years later, and once again election time has arrived in America. It is a moment of anxiety for the Jews who fear that if the previous administration is put back in power, it will return to the deal it signed with Iran and the other powers, and will end the sanctions on Iran.


But what exactly are the Jews trying to accomplish? After all, they were the ones who created dozens of political pieces of theater, as they tried to make the world believe that Israel had an arsenal of nuclear weapons big enough to blow up the entire planet if it wanted to. The Jews also recruited dozens of moral prostitutes around the world, and had them play the not so funny theatrics … and nobody laughed.


To know what the Jews want, we need to know where they came from. They were an ancient tribe that roamed the desert, going from empire to empire where they infiltrated the ruling class, and tried to take over the empire from the inside. They failed every time and got punished severely for their treacherous ways. Thus, being the first terrorists to disgrace the planet, the Jews developed the habit we see exhibited by modern terrorists. That is, they fight to the death, and if the enemy does not kill them, they commit suicide.


Unable to fight Iran, the Jews of Israel called on America to do the fighting for them. But having seen its nose rubbed in the mud dozens of times since the Second World War, America has turned cautious when it comes to initiating a hot war against Iran. It preferred to make a deal with that country, as happened during the previous administration. It chose to apply economic pressure as did the current administration.


If as a result of the soon to be held election, the previous administration is put back in power, it will be game over for Israel, at least for the next four years. But if the current administration wins reelection, the Jews will push America to start a war which, for all practical purposes, will put into practice the suicidal habit that the Jews have transferred to the greatest sucker of all time. And historians of the future will want to name the aftermath, The Masada on the Potomac Event.