Sunday, October 25, 2020

Apples and Oranges, Raisins and Pumpkins

 It often happens that in the North American culture, people are metaphorically reminded not to mix “apples and oranges,” which means they should not draw false equivalences between two things that do not resemble each other enough––any more than they would tolerate confusing apples and oranges.


Well, if this is so bad as to merit a saying dedicated to warn people, imagine what it would be like if the one who is warning you not to mix apples and oranges, mixes the more unequal raisins and pumpkins. He or she would do it trying to convince you of their point of view, using an argument that is, on its face, as absurd as to suggest that to entertain themselves, angels in heaven spend time dancing on the head of a pin.


A controversy having to do with the equating of various events, erupted more than half a century ago when the Jews mounted a massive and relentless effort to use that warning –– not in the way it was meant to be used but –– to establish a strange concept that was too evil to grasp and too subtle to unmask.


It happened that the rabbis and the other Jewish leaders got into the business of looking out for any statement that was uttered by a gentile who might be drawing an equivalence between something ordinary and something Jewish. When they spotted one, the Jewish leaders and the rabbis brayed in a voice similar to that of a sick jackass –– these memorable words: you can't compare! You can't compare. But coming out of their mouths, the braying sounded like this: You can't compaaaare! You can't compaaaare!


Criticized for singling themselves to stand out as a special group at the same time that they howled their pain for being singled out by society because of their habit to accuse others of antisemitism, the Jews curtailed the habit of saying they were special, but started doing something else. You can see what that is when you read the article that came under the title: “Administering 'Truth' in our schools,” an article that was written by Janet Levy, and published on October 24, 2020 in the American Thinker.


The article tells the story of two educators. One story is that of a school principal who said basically that regardless of what he believes, he will not impose on the students the view that the Holocaust did or did not happen. He was suspended for saying that, but was reinstated when he appealed his case. The other story is that of a teacher that accused everyone participating in the Black Lives Matter movement of being a terrorist. He was fired from his job and never reinstated. And so, Janet Levy points to these cases and says there is no justice for Jews in this world.


The fact that Janet Levy has equated someone's refusal to vouch for a historical event, with the accusation that a group identified by skin color, is a terrorist organization, must have blown your mind, and caused you to ask: how can a thought like that be arrived at by a writer who wants the world to believe she is sane? You look for an answer in her article and discover that she may not be the only insane actor in this abomination.


Here is the destructive time bomb which comes in the form of a harmless political interference in education but that inevitably leads to that kind of insanity: “The Florida Legislature passed the Holocaust Education Bill, mandating lessons of the Holocaust to be part of the curriculum. It said the Holocaust must be taught as a uniquely important event”.


It is not surprising, therefore, to see minds such as that of Janet Levy, mangled into that kind of hideousness as if attacked by a thousand gremlins of drivel, when you mandate by law that the suffering of European Jews a century ago in a faraway place, can only be superior to the suffering of Black Americans in America, even if you know nothing about the first, whereas you see Black Americans––some of them your acquaintances––being deliberately chocked to death or shot in the back every day with your own eyes in your own neighborhood. It is a display of horrific banality like only the Jews are capable of.


To reinforce her imbecilic argument, Levy cited other cases of lesser importance, all of which were adjudicated at one legal level or another in a way that displeased her. Being straightforward civil cases, Levy found herself unable to attack them in her article based on the facts or the law, and so she switched to the race and religious argument. The following is what she had to say in this regard:


“Anti-Semitism, anti-Christianity, and anti-white statements are tolerated. Statements criticizing a black movement are labeled racist, and objections to a curriculum on Islam are labeled racist. We have truly entered an alternative reality where our freedom to hold non-approved versions of the truth is severely threatened. We need to speak out louder – and boldly – before it is too late. Or else, we will have to swallow what the 'Ministry of Truth' force-feeds us”.


The poor thing, she does not realize that there is a big difference between politicians making idiotic laws under the pressure and the Benjamins of lobbyists on one hand, and judges as well as jurors adjudicating cases without outside interference on the other hand.


The Jews lost every time their arguments came under the scrutiny of sober judges, and the ears of jurors that cannot be corrupted … and that's what counts.