Saturday, October 24, 2020

What did not kill them made them stronger

 Here is why America needs to constantly import foreigners into the country: Left to themselves, American-born dudes cannot learn a lesson even when hit in the face with a bowl of Asian rice instead of an American apple pie topped with whipped cream. Look what these Americans did.


They attacked North Korea, and failing to destroy it, turned it into a nuclear colossus. They attacked Vietnam, and failing to shred it into a North piece and a South piece, turned it into an economic juggernaut. They attacked Afghanistan, and failing to kill it, turned it into a massive field of narcotics.


The Americans also encircled the old Soviet Union with military bases, and failing to bring it to its knees, turned it into a military superpower. They maligned mainland China with the “Red China” label, and failing to isolate it, turned it into a magnet for a plethora of nations seeking its grace, and open commerce with it.


What this demonstrates is that for every action, there is a reaction. But unlike Newtonian physics where the reaction is equal to the action, it happens that in human affairs most reactions prove to be an escalation from the reaction. This prompts the other side to respond with a counter-reaction, thus starts an escalation; one that usually comes in the form of an arms race whose impact cannot be projected at the start.


So now, you see this born-in-the-USA fellow telling America how to repeat the mistakes of the past, only do them ten times worse than before. His name is Brandon J. Weichert, and he wrote an article under the title: “Only Star Wars can beat North Korea's nukes,” and the subtitle: “North Korea's intercontinental ballistic missile and Kim Jong-un's outburst should unsettle everyone.” The article was published on October 19, 2020 in The Washington Times.


What Brandon Weichert says is that there is a job which needs to be done in Asia, and America must be the one to do it. He adds that the job relates to North Korea which, seven decades after the first encounter with it, America must confront the monster it has inadvertently created. In fact, that was a time when America believed it was making the world safer by keeping in check those who did not see things from the point of view of its own system of values.


The way to do the job, says Brandon Weichert, is for America to prepare itself by building a Star Wars kind of defense system because North Korea cannot be trusted. It also has the wherewithal to attack America and/or its Asian allies with the nuclear weapons it did not have before. But Weichert has omitted saying that North Korea has those weapons now thanks to America's incomprehensible behavior which regrettably, he wants to see repeated.


In fact, this is where Weichert's line of thinking ends, a clue that shows the nature of the deficiency which is the cause of America’s disability to reason logically. Had he gone beyond that point and asked if the other side will respond, and what kind of response it would be, Weichert would have done the mental work that newcomers to America are capable of doing hands down.


In fact, had he asked, Weichert would have known that if America were to build a defense system reputed to be the most advanced in the world––whether or not it proves to be true––North Korea will respond by building the systems that aim to defeat it. This will be in keeping with the tit for tat escalations that the arms race has undergone throughout the centuries and throughout the planet.


However, unable to reason like a normal human being, such as those America imports to do the thinking for it, Weichert went on to offer the following improvised-to-suit the moment basket of absurdities:


“Meanwhile, North Korea continues to be China's cat's-paw against the West –– thereby rendering moot any meaningful diplomacy with America. In fact, North Korean nukes will likely compel the Kim regime to attempt to forcibly reunite the Korean peninsula. The only way out of this quandary, is for Washington to push through a space-based defense system. Without it, the United States will be attacked with nuclear weapons”.


Weichert says that North Korea is China's cat's-paw, then goes on to say that North Korea acts as independently as a sovereign nation; one that’s determined to reunite the Korean peninsula alone if it must.


So, you ask: why did the pundit say that North Korea was China's cat's-paw? He said it to justify making the following point: “...rendering moot any meaningful diplomacy with America.” As can be seen, Weichert’s intent all along, had been to cut off all communications between America and North Korea; the reason why he painted the cat's-paw image which, in reality, has no place in this discussion.


Nevertheless, this was a witch's brew he called a quandary. Still, however, he used it to conclude that Washington must build the Star Wars system because without it, he predicted –– without providing additional information –– that America will most certainly be attacked with nuclear weapons.


Come to think of it, there is only one thing left to say to all that: Quick America, get in a few foreign thinkers to straighten things out before you find yourself drowning in a locally produced swamp of absurdities.