Friday, October 2, 2020

It's not the reality stupid; it's the implication

 It looks like Jonathan S. Tobin did not read the memo instructing him to stop playing the game of life as if there was a substitute for God out there; one that's looking after the interests of Jews.


It is that Tobin remains under the impression he can convince humanity that Jews are the chosen children of God, and should be treated differently from the rest. Thus, when someone speaks as if to equate something which relates to Jews with one that relates to humans, Jonathan Tobin blows his stack.


The premise that keeps Jews of the Tobin mentality huddled together and around their leaders is that they believe they are so different from the rest, the suffering they feel for things that did not happen to them is greater than the suffering which ordinary humans feel for things that did happen to them.


An example of this is what transpired in Canada a few years ago and ended in court where the record it has generated will sit for future generations to see and learn all about the kind of idiotic time in which we lived during these decades of the twentieth and twenty first centuries.


Here is the Canadian story in brief. A woman that was angry with her husband killed him a slow deliberate death to make him suffer as much as possible, as long as possible. The trial judge that sentenced her said something to the effect that the husband must have suffered a horrible personal holocaust before he died.


And this was enough to bring the Jewish organizations out of their rat holes and complain that the judge was so insensitive he did not realize that the suffering of Jews (real or imagined) cannot be equated with any other suffering. They hounded the judge and the legal profession so intensely the judge was disbarred.


This was done to appease the Jews of North America that lived well, and suffered no real pain but claimed to have felt a virtual pain inflicted on them by the judge's words. In addition, they wanted the world to believe their pain was greater than the one felt by the husband who died a horrible death. Go figure.


Of course, everyone knows this cannot be real, but why do the Jews of the Jonathan Tobin variety keep making such claims? They do because they want the government to substitute for God and do the work that He is supposed to be doing but is not. His duty is to be here on Earth, constantly reminding the human race that He created the Jews as a separate breed apart from and above the rest. But He is not here whereas the government is and so, it is doing His work for Him looking after the Jews.


And so my friend, when you take these realities into consideration, and you read the latest piece of work that was produced by Jonathan Tobin, you realize how far into the realm of the absurd, the North American societies have been pushed by their governments and institutions to accept the Jews and treat them as the superior beings among them. And that's a good reason for you to blow your stack.


The latest Tobin piece of work is an article that came under the title: “Antisemitism Watchdog Winks While Biden And Democrats Smear Trump As A Nazi,” published on September 30, 2020 in The Federalist. Here is what happened that got Tobin to blow his stack this time around:


“On September 25, 2020 during a diatribe in which he blasted Trump the former Vice President Joe Biden crossed the line Trump had in 2017. He responded to Trump's claims that Democrats were pushing the United States toward socialism, saying, 'He's sort of like Goebbels. You say the lie long enough, keep repeating it, repeating it, repeating it, it becomes common knowledge'”.


Goebbels being the Nazi minister of propaganda, to say that what he did to the Jews decades ago can be equated with what's being done to non-Jews today, is to imply that non-Jews are equal to Jews; and this is the blasphemy. In the eyes of Jonathan Tobin and those like him, this is the kind of implication that diminishes the Jewish claim they are apart from the rest of humanity and deserving special treatment.


And so, whereas the memo from the watchdog is telling Jonathan Tobin to wink this time and let the events take their normal course, he is acting as if he did not read the memo. Instead, he is going gangbusters attacking everyone that should have done something to make things right but did not. Here is a passage that shows how he reacted:


“Tying Trump to Nazis is bizarre. It was equally scandalous for the National Jewish Democratic Council to double down with a web ad that reaffirmed the argument that Trump was encouraging a drift toward a new Holocaust. This is the point where the antisemitism monitoring group would normally step in to uphold the principle that the Holocaust is not an analogy to be bandied about. The Anti-Defamation League was equally muted about the incident”.


And so goes the battle between the Jews who no longer believe they are a cut above the rest, and wish to live like normal human beings, and the Jews of the Jonathan Tobin variety who ultimately want the government to act like a God and impose the Jews on society.