Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Fails to see merit, he shoots in the dark

When someone is engaged in a verbal duel in which he finds himself defending the side that has little or no merit, he shoots in every direction as if in the dark, hoping to hit anything at all, thus claim to have scored enough of what allows him to claim victory … and he exits the duel.


The trouble is that if he gets away playing this game for a few moments, he cannot get away playing it much longer because he is bound to create the conditions that will snare him and pull him down. This will happen because a good argument is one in which all the parts fit together like a puzzle that’s neither missing something nor containing an excess of pieces with no place for them in the puzzle.


Whether we’re faced with a good puzzle that a legitimate argument can settle, or a bad puzzle with random pieces that may or may not fit together; that may or may not belong in the same puzzle what the debate will do, is expose one or several contradictions that will wrap themselves around the phony debater, and snare him. When this happens, his argument will disintegrate in the way that a cookie crumbles, and he’ll lose the debate fair and square.


This is what happened to Jonathan S. Tobin who entered the current debate with an article he wrote under the title: “After Afghanistan, how can anyone trust Biden on an Iran nuke deal?” It was published on August 23, 2021 in the New York Post.


Tobin’s position is that President Biden has a flawed judgment but he doesn’t know it. This is why Biden continues to take the wrong decisions that harm America, says Tobin. He goes on to explain that Biden’s ineptitude is shown in his continued attempt to reach a deal with Iran on the nuclear issue. But now that the situation in Afghanistan has shown him to be incompetent beyond any doubt, Biden should reverse course and embrace the judgment that was adopted by his immediate predecessor Donald Trump who nixed the old nuclear deal and imposed a regime of maximum pressure on Iran.


But is this the full story, or is it pulling wool over the public’s eyes? The truth is that something weird has been happening in America’s governance during the tenure of the last several presidents. It is that groups have been forming by the spontaneous coming-together of lobbyists and journalists who relentlessly hammer at the decisions taken by the Executive or the Legislature. They employ tricks that often succeed at rousing the public, which forces the government to rescind or modify its decisions.


In fact, this happened several times during the tenure of Donald Trump, causing some people to comment that the military had mutinied against its commander in chief when it refused to obey the order to pull the troops out of Syria and Afghanistan. In fact, the latest decision to pull out of Afghanistan was made by Trump who negotiated with the Taliban for the withdrawal to be completed by May 1, 2021. But guess what, my friend. This did not happen because nobody took the commander in chief’s order seriously. And this included the Americans who now have a hard time trying to exit Afghanistan.


But Donald Trump was kicked out of the White House and replaced by Commander in Chief Joe Biden who stubbornly insisted that the order be obeyed. However, for practical reasons, he pushed the date for completing the withdrawal to the end of August. What transpired subsequently shows that if Biden had stuck with the decision to pull out the troops by May, it would have been an exercise in bad judgment.


Still, Joe Biden may or may not complete the job of total withdrawal by the end of August, but if he falls short, it will be due to the confusion that was generated by the lobbyists and journalists that try to run the country by rousing the masses with flawed ideas mixed with false stories and baseless speculations. All in all, what this says, is that the Biden Team has shown impeccable judgment throughout this episode at a time when flawed judgment has been raining on the team and the public from every direction.


Be that as it may, we must not lose sight of the reality that once again, Jonathan Tobin has done what comes naturally to members of the Jewish mob of pundits. He took advantage of a dire situation afflicting the nation to try extracting concessions from the American government. As you can expect, these would be concessions that would benefit the faraway foreign entity calling itself Israel. Here in condensed form, is what Tobin wants the American public to be so peeved about, it will rise up, revolt against Biden and demand that Israel be accommodated even at the expense of the well-being of Americans who are still in Afghanistan trying to get out:


“Biden took office determined to reinstate the nuclear deal that President Trump nixed. Since then, the Iranians have done so much cheating, it’s hard to see how a new agreement will keep them from crossing the nuclear threshold. Everything we know about Joe Biden tells us he’s too pigheaded to reverse course on Iran. If he follows his instincts and agrees to a new nuke deal with Iran, the consequences for the Middle East and American security may be far worse”.


Do as I say, the Jew has warned, or the national security of America will be threatened. He now expects to see a letter writing campaign that will rain on the legislators who will scurry like scared cockroaches trying to cut a piece of America and send it to feed Israel.